Build An Audio AI App Transcripts
Chapter: Setup
Lecture: Compatible Editors

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0:00 Once you can run Python, you will need to be able to write Python and edit Python. So we're going to need an editor.
0:08 I'm going to be using PyCharm for this course. I'm a huge fan of PyCharm.
0:12 I will show you some awesome stuff if you're not familiar with it, and maybe encourage you to be a fan as well.
0:18 So get that over at There's a free community edition and there's a paid edition.
0:25 The community edition should be more than enough for this course. So you don't need to pay any money for it. So recommend that.
0:32 If for some reason you're on the other side of the fence, and these days the other side
0:36 of the fence pretty much means VS Code, you're welcome to use VS Code. This is a great app as well.
0:43 Just make sure when you get it, you go to the extensions, that little set of boxes clicking
0:47 together, and that you install the Python tooling for VS Code. Because without that, it doesn't really do that much.
0:56 It does suggest it, I believe, if you try to open up a Python file and it doesn't have it.
1:01 So PyCharm or VS Code, but if you get VS Code, make sure it has its Python capabilities clicked

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