Async Techniques and Examples in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Built on asyncio
Lecture: Concept: Mixed-mode parallelism with unsync
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We've seen mixed mode parallelism. It's something you could easily run into. Do you have to do some work where some of its computational
and some of it is based on I/O either explicitly through asyncio or just because it's talking to a network or a database or something like that?
How do you put that work together? That's not super easy and that's why we started talking about unsync because it solves this problem exactly.
So, here we're not using unsync. This is the asyncio style and we're going to create event loop.
Again, that event loop is actually hard to get ahold of and pass around if you're passing this through tiers of your application
or down into another library or something like that. So it looks like no problem here but it can actually be a challenge in your architecture.
Then we're going to create a bunch of tasks so we can't just call compute_some or download_some_more because those don't return values
those return coroutines, OK? So we've got to create a task from them and queue them up like that using loop.create_task.
But, more importantly, where should these run? Compute some, give it obvious names, kind of giveaway names but compute some is CPU-bound.
Download some more uses asyncio. When we wrote this we decided, hey, some of these functions can use asyncio, so let's go that way.
Let's just go and do this work in asyncio. And for the green ones, download_some_more and wait_some that's a good choice.
But download_some, that one is implemented in requests it's API is. So there's no way to really take advantage of it here.
It's just going to block things up. Effectually that part becomes a serial thing, not parallel. Similarly for the compute_some, it should be run
probably in multiprocessing. But how should we know that, as the caller of the function? Maybe we didn't implement it.
Maybe we're using it from somewhere else. How do we know? That's, kind of, not great. So we have to make this decision, how shall we run it
and actually, truly mixing together is not super easy, either. And then finally we have to create this loop
we got to use the loop and call run til completed at the end and gather up the tasks and so on. And that's not great.
So let's see how unsync solves that. We have that top block where it says tasks. That's the entire previous slide.
Well, that and the list comprehension to block but it's not up to us where we're calling it to decide how our code runs.
It's up to the implementer of that function. Who wrote that function, they decide where and how it runs.
So the compute_some, that one's going to run multiprocessing. Download_some_more, asyncio, download_some on a thread.
We don't know or care about that really at all. It's just going to work, as far as we're concerned. There's some future, it's running, when it's done
it's done, do it the best way that you can. And the way we indicate that is we have either regular or async methods.
So, like, compute_some and download_some those are not async. One of them is just regular unsync and that means run on a thread.
The compute_some is unsync and CPU-bound which means run in multiprocessing. And that just happens automatically above
when we create that list of tasks. We don't know or care about that it's all transparent. And finally, at the bottom, we have an async method
that is unsync, that means run on the ambient hidden, asyncio event loop. Beautiful, right?