Async Techniques and Examples in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Built on asyncio
Lecture: Why do we need more libraries?
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Before we get to the programming details of these additional libraries let's talk about why we might need them at all.
We have async and await. We have threads. Isn't that good enough? Well, it depends on what you are trying to do.
Yes, it's good enough, but it can be better as we all see. So what are some of the shortcomings of the various aspects that we've worked with so far?
Mostly around asyncio, but also around threads and processes. One of the things that's annoying about asyncio is
you have to have an event loop in order to execute an async function. Remember what we did is we created
a loop, and then we queued up a bunch of work in it and where we created some coroutines and we said run to completion or something to this effect.
And we waited on that loop. And it's not that hard honestly, but if you have a deep architecture:
some function, calls another function, calls a library which called another function, how do you take the loop
you have to create at the outside and pass it deep down to the inside so async functions down there can run?
If you need to coordinate across those things this can be really not so easy. Alright, you end up passing stuff around or having
weird global variables that, depending on how things are working, may actually not even work.
This is a shortcoming, and we'll see if one of the libraries we talk about fixes it. So this is the shortcoming, and each of the libraries
we're going to talk about has a certain way to address this. Asyncio.future is not thread-safe. Now, that may sound weird to you, but remember
asyncio doesn't actually use other threads. It's like an event loop on a single thread so it's not thread-safe.
But if you want to mix it with threads, that would be better if it were, right? On the converse side, we have concurrent.future.
Remember this comes back from the ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor? When we queue up work, that thing cannot be used with
async and await. It cannot be directly awaited which is annoying. Wouldn't it be great if I could get one of those back and mix it in and await on it?
Well, you can't. Future.result is a blocking operation. It's generally good. If it's not done you want to get the work back.
However, if you're doing this in an event loop you could actually clog up the event loop and if somehow there's a loop you somehow create the future
which is running the event loop and then you call a block on it on another slice of those tasks running there you will deadlock your event loop.
Not great. On the other hand where future.result is a blocking operation asyncio.future.result will actually throw an exception
if you haven't completely waited for it to be done. So, depending on which type future you have it doesn't behave the same, that's also hard
so we'll see of unifying stuff happening here. Async functions, as in async def - that's a function name
always execute in asyncio loop. They don't run in threads. They won't run in multiprocessing mode. None of those types of things.
However, may we have some work, and some of it is based on asyncio, but other parts of that work that we're trying
to do altogether might be computational. Or maybe it's working with something that talks to a database or network, but that library doesn't support
asyncio directly. It would be nice if we didn't have to completely have different API's and ways of working with them
if we could unify that. Well, cancellation and timeout are tricky things than threads and processes.
Thread local storage, which we have not talked about does not work for asyncio concurrency. So thread local storage is kind of like a global variable
but each thread has its own copy of that data. Each thread has its own values for that global data. Imagine something like Flask.
Flask has a global request object, and each time a request comes in, you can just access it out of thin air
in your view method. And it has the value of that particular request. And that's fine if it's single threaded.
You can just set that value, do the function call and then unset it. But remember, asyncio has only one thread for all these
interwoven operations. So thread local storage no longer means what it used to mean. Well see, none of the libraries here directly address this
but further down the line when we get to the async web stuff that's one of the problems that's going to have to be addressed.
Testing concurrent code can also be tricky. These are some of the shortcomings that the libraries we were talking about will help us address
and they also bring their own cleaner programming API for certain things that they're built for: coordination, parent/child tasks, things like that.