Async Techniques and Examples in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Leveraging CPU cores with multiprocessing
Lecture: Concept: Return values

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0:00 Let's wrap up this chapter on multiprocessing by talking about exchanging data. So we've seen that we start the work by saying pool.apply_async()
0:09 give it a function, and some arguments. That's the first aspect of exchanging data so we can pass in these arguments, 0 and 100 in this example.
0:19 And we're going to capture the results and then after the work is done after the pool's been joined and closed and all that kind of stuff
0:26 we can go to the results and we can even check if it were successful and then we could call result.get
0:31 and that's going to give whatever the return value of from do_math() work. And those values that can be exchanged they're pretty rich.
0:39 Basically, anything that can be pickled which are most things, but not all things Python those things can be created and passed in
0:46 or returned from these various functions. So we're passing the arguments we captured the results and hang onto it and then when all the work is done
0:55 we just call get() to receive value from the function that we ran in multiprocessing.

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