Async Techniques and Examples in Python Transcripts
Chapter: async and await with asyncio
Lecture: Demo: Understanding basic generators
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It's high time to write some code and much of what we are going to do going forward is to write demos and then think about how they worked
how we can change them, what were the key elements there. Let's begin by actually building a little of foundation. So, what we're going to do
is we're going to talk about using asyncio. Now, asyncio is quite magical in how it works but actually pretty easy in the programming model
that you're going to use. So, what I want to do is give you a conceptual foundation that's a little easier to understand
that doesn't actually have to do with concurrency. So, we're going to look at this idea of generator functions.
If you're familiar with the yield keyword you'll know what exactly I'm talking about. So, let's go over to our github repository.
We have 04 section and we have generators and we're going to move on to this producer and consumer thing. But, let's start with generators.
Now, the first thing I want to do is open this in PyCharm and configure this to have it's own virtual environment.
The generator example won't have external packages but, the other stuff will. So, let's get that all set up. We'll come over here
and we're going to create a virtual environment. Now, I have a little command that will run Python3 -m venv and then activate it
and then upgrade pip and setuptools. That all happened. Okay, so, now we can pip list see are Python has this virtual environment we just created here.
And in Windows, you would type where Python. Okay, so, we're going to hope this in PyCharm. So, here's our new virtual environment
and we can see that it actually is active. So, we have our Python that is active here. So, this is great. Now what we want to do
is we want to write a very simple generator. Why are we messing with generators? Why do we care about this at all?
Like, this is not asynchronous stuff. Generators don't have much to do with asynch programming or threading, or things like that.
Well, this idea of a coroutine or what you might think of as a restartable function is critical to how asyncio works.
And, I think it's a little easier to understand with generators. So, what we want to do is write a quick function called fib.
And, at first we're going to pass in an integer and it's going to return a list of integers. We can import that from typing.
So, we're going to take this and we're going to generate that many Fibonacci numbers. Totally simple. We're going to write it as a
straightforward, non-generator function. So, I'm going to return a list. We have to have some numbers. Put those here.
Those would be our Fibonacci numbers. And, then we're going to have current and next. These are going to be 0 and 1. The algorithm is super simple.
While, a line of numbers. Say next. Say it like this, current, next = next and then current + next then numbers.append(current).
We'll return a lot of numbers. Let's see if I wrote that right. So, let's print fib of the first ten Fibonacci numbers.
Go over here, I'm going to run this. And, let's just actually set each one of these are going to be separate code examples
so I will mark this directory as a source root. Doesn't look up above this for other files and we'll go and run this. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 32, 55
Perfect, it looks like I managed to implement the Fibonacci numbers, once again. However, there's some problems here. Not very realistic.
The Fibonacci sequence is infinite, right? By passing in this number, we are working with a finite set. What if we want to work through these numbers
and go, I'm looking for the condition where the previous and current Fibonacci numbers excluding 1 and 2, are actually both prime numbers
may be greater than 1000. Who knows. Something like that. If you're looking for that situation you don't know how many to ask for.
What if you ask for 10,000. Well, that didn't work. Ask for 100,000. did that work? I don't know. Ask for 1,000,000. What will be better is
the consumer of this truly infinite sequence could actually decide when they've had enough. And, what we can do that with is what's called a generator.
So, I'm going to comment that one out. Actually, let's duplicate it first. I'm going to change this. First we're going to leave it like this here
except for we're going to say, no longer returns that. So, what we're going to do, is we're actually going to go through
instead of creating this list, right and, I can just make this true. Let's actually just make the whole sequence all at once. It's a little easier.
So, what we're going to do, is this. Now, we're never going to return numbers. Instead, what we're going to do is generate a sequence.
And, in Python, there's this really cool concept with this yield keyword of these coroutines. These generator methods.
The idea is, there are effectively restartable functions. So, what yield does, it lets you say I want to execute up to some point in a series
until I get to one and then I can give it back to whoever asked for it. They can look at it, work with it
and then decide whether this function should keep running. It's a totally wild idea, but it's entirely easy to write. So check this out.
We do this, we don't want to print all of them. So, now, we want to be a little more careful cuz that's an infinite sequence for n in fib(): print(n)
And say, this is going to be comma separated there. Then we'll say, if n > 10,000, break. Then break and done. So, now, we have an infinite sequence
that we're deciding when we want to stop pulling on it. Well, let's just run it and see what happens. Hmm. If we want one more print in there.
Here we go. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. And, incredible, it just went until we decided to stop asking for it. How does that work?
So, understanding what is happening here is key to understanding how asyncio works. So, let's set a breakpoint. Actually, let's set it up here.
Set it right here. I'm also going to set a breakpoint right there. On a normal function, what would happen is we would hit this breakpoint.
This line would run and it would of course, go in here and execute all of this and then this code would run.
But, these are restartable functions, these generators. Just like the async coroutines. So, let's step through it and see what happens.
Here we are, we first ran to this and that makes perfect sense. Nothing surprising there. But, watch this breakpoint on line 14.
If we step over it didn't run. What we got back is not a sequence but is a generator that we can then iterate.
So, it's not until we start pulling on this generator that it even starts to run. So, I'm going to step a little bit.
I'm going to be over here in current notice. 0 and 1. This function is starting up. It's totally normal. Now, we're going to yield, which means
go back here. Oh, I need to use the step into. We're going to step in down here now n is a 1, the second 1 actually.
We go down here and we print it out. Now, we're going to go back into the function but look where we started. We started on line 16, not line 13
and the values have kept what they were doing before. So, I'm just going to run this a few times. Now if we step in again, again it's back here
and it's 3 and 5. These generator functions are restartable. They can run to a point and then stop and then resume. There's no parallelism going here
but you could build this cooperative parallelism or concurrency pretty straightforward with just generator functions, actually.
You just need to know how and when to say stop. So, let's go through just a little bit more until we get to here. So, now we have n at this point
and if we don't no longer loop over we break out of the loop we start pulling on the generator
and that basically abandons this continued execution of it. So, if we step, we're done, that's it. So, the last time we saw these run
they were, you know whatever the last two Fibonacci numbers were. And then, we just stop pulling on it it stopped doing it's work.
We didn't restart it again and this example is over. So, of course I'm going to put this in your code. You can play with it.
There's nothing that hard about the actual written code it's the order and flow of the execution that is really special that you
kind of, get a little bit used to. So, I encourage you to take moment and open this up in PyCharm or something like that that has a decent debugger
and just go through the steps a few times and see what's happening. Once you get comfortable with that we're ready to talk about asyncio.