Async Techniques and Examples in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Setup and following along
Lecture: PyCharm Pro for Free

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0:00 You might consider what hardware you're taking this course on. Most of the time, the courses we have it doesn't matter what you're running on.
0:08 You could probably take many of the courses we have on here, on say like, a Raspberry Pi or something completely small and silly like that.
0:16 However, on this one you really need to have at least two cores. If you don't have two cores, you're not going to be able
0:23 to observe some of the performance benefits that we talk about. So here's my machine, I have a MacBook Professional
0:30 15 inch, 2018 edition with the Core i9 which you can see 12 cores here. Six real cores, each of them hyper thread.
0:38 So it appears as 12 to the operating system. But this system will really let us see a difference from when we're running on single threaded mode
0:46 to parallel mode that actually takes advantage of all of the processors. But you don't have to have 12 cores. If you have two or four
0:53 that will already let you see a difference but the more the better for this course because when we get to the performance section
1:00 in particular, the CPU bound type of stuff we're trying to take advantage of the CPU you'll just see a bigger benefit, the more cores you have.
1:08 So at least dual core is not required but to see some of the benefits you have to have more than one core.

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