Async Techniques and Examples in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Course introduction

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0:00 Hello and welcome to Asynchronus Techniques and Examples in Python. In this course, we're going to explore the entire
0:07 spectrum of asynchronous programming in Python. This means threads, this means subprocesses the fancy new asyncio and the async and await keywords.
0:18 All of that and much, much more. I hope you're excited about digging into it because I'm super excited to share it with you.
0:25 Now before we get into the details of what we're going to cover, let's talk really briefly about what asynchronous programming is.
0:32 If we go and look at Wikipedia it'll say asynchrony and computer programming refers the occurrence of events independent of the main
0:38 program flow and way of dealing with such events. These may be outside events such as the arrival of signals or actions started by the program
0:47 without blocking or waiting for results. Now what's really important about this statement is it doesn't say asynchronous programming is
0:55 you create threads and then you join on them or you create other processes and wait for them to finish or get back to you.
1:02 It just says stuff happening at the same time. So we're going to look at many different ways in fact we're going to explore three very
1:10 different approaches that Python can take to this: threads, processes, and asyncio. We're going to explore more than that of course.
1:19 But there's actually a lot of ways in which asynchrony can be achieved in Python and knowing when to choose one over the other is super important.
1:26 We're going to talk all about that.

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