Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Hosting on a custom domain
Lecture: We are online and running

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0:00 Well, I've tried to refresh this page over the last 45 minutes, close to an hour and it hasn't been there yet. But I have reason to believe
0:10 that finally the HTTP certificate, HTTPS certificate SSL certificate, has been generated and everything all the automated systems have kicked in
0:19 over on the Anvil side so let's refresh this and see what we get. Ta-da, there it is! Awesome, here is our application, and it's working.
0:28 We can go over here and we can log into it. Tell it to remember us, here we are logged in. Again, this is running against the same data, the same app
0:38 it just happens to be hosted on a new domain. So all the measurements and stuff we've already put there are in.
0:44 We don't have any information to compare ourselves yet but that's okay, we can go and just go and add another one of these, another measurement.
0:52 Let's do 182, let's do 20 20 is just going to mess up our graph. Let's put 74, 182 and 74. And there it is, 182 and 74
1:04 that's our new set of measurements but running over our own domain using encryption. And just to round things out that encryption is via Let's Encrypt.
1:17 You don't really care, Anvil takes care of that for you but it's just a kind of bit of a curiosity there. All right, we've hosted our app.
1:24 That's a really good step.

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