Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Hosting on a custom domain
Lecture: Registering the app in our DNS configuration

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0:00 Here we are at the DNS settings for It's at GoDaddy, I actually really dislike GoDaddy as a company, but it's been around there so long
0:09 I just don't want to transfer it away and deal with the consequence of possibly messing that up or the downtime so it's staying there.
0:15 Our new domains I'm getting at I like them a lot. But, here it is. So, I'm going to use this, and we're just going
0:22 to add a name server. The host is going to be fitnessd, and it's going to point to that location that I already copied.
0:31 Time to live, let's make this as short as possible 'cause we're going to be possibly messing with it. So, here we go. Well, it's done.
0:40 And here's where the patience comes in. So, just going to wait a couple of seconds to make sure that this works and then we'll see.
0:50 So, here's a good way to start. Thing is, if you rush this too much then you're going to get it cached locally somewhere in the chain along the way
0:58 and your system, either in your local OS's DNS lookup or maybe in your router, or maybe your ISP but, we'll try.
1:11 All right, moment of truth, is the DNS ready? Probably, let's give it a shot. Aw, sweet, it's working. Okay, so there's a chance that Anvil is ready.
1:22 Let's go back over here and let's try going like that. Aw. Now, I'm glad I ran into it. I'm not glad this is here but I'm glad I ran into this.
1:34 So, what's going on? So if we look here you can see more information about this certificate somewhere maybe, maybe it's not pulling it down.
1:47 So, here's the deal though let me take a step back. So when we go to things like and we look at the certificate
1:59 we'll see it's created by Let's Encrypt. Let's Encrypt is awesome. You can automate creating free SSL certificates. And, just by the way
2:09 we go over here and look at this similar, right, same thing. Over here what we saw was we have this if we look at more information
2:18 here, View Certificates, that's what I was looking for and see that it's for * That's why when we go to this other view
2:30 here, where it's not we're not seeing something nice, like SSL-encrypted what we're instead seeing is that it's not ready.
2:40 Here's the process. I told you it takes patience but it is easy. The first part is we had to wait on our DNS provider to update
2:48 so that resolved to something. That was pretty quick. The next thing we have to do is actually wait a little bit
2:58 for Anvil to run some automated scripts that go out to Let's Encrypt and generate a certificate for that domain for us.

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