Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Hosting on a custom domain
Lecture: Adding the custom domain in Anvil

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0:00 Well, here's our app, and we saw that we could press run on it and that's pretty cool. We get this URL up here
0:07 if you try to go to that URL in a private browser well, what do we get? Sign in. This is not the experience we want
0:15 we don't want to share our login to Anvil, obviously. Well, we've done some work already as part of that API step and we said publish the app
0:23 and we said we want to use That first part was auto generated and this actually works. This is pretty good
0:33 we have HTPS, we have a domain we could even login over here. Now we're logged in, here's our help history works like a charm.
0:42 Okay, however if you really want to build your own product you don't want to depend on Anvil's domain you wanted to identify you out there.
0:51 This is fine for little utility apps maybe even you share within your company things like that
0:56 but if you want to have a public website you need a domain. So that's what we going to do here and you come down here and click add a custom domain
1:07 and like I said what I'm going to use is Fitnessd, like fitnessd that's the name of our app .talkPython My main site is .fm, but I'm going to use .com.
1:16 I have both domains really rather not mess with the domain really at all and notice here it says we're going to
1:23 create an A record and we're going to enter Fitnessd for the pattern or whatever and then we're going to enter that as the place to map it to.
1:34 And they have a little guide here on how that works. So I'm going to flip over to my domain provider quickly run through these steps
1:42 and then we're going to come back and have a look at what happened.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon