Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Hosting on a custom domain
Lecture: Hosting introduction

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0:00 It's super fun to build a website but if only you get to use it, how much fun is it really? Obviously, we typically build websites
0:09 for a whole bunch of people. In our wildest dreams, maybe millions of people. But the first step in order to getting our app available
0:17 to anyone else is to give it a domain make it available to people. So there's a couple of options that we have.
0:24 We saw that we could already host our app on that funky fresh fruit song or something like that, domain,
0:32 And that's fine, that's a pretty good public option. But if you're really going to build a site and make it professional
0:38 especially if you're going to do something like e-commerce as we'll talk about soon you definitely want it to be on its own domain.
0:45 So here's our app, but notice this time there's a couple of really sweet things going on. One, it has HTTPS, it's encrypted.
0:53 And two, it's on its own domain. Now, I decided to make this a sub domain of just so that I don't have to deal
1:01 with creating another domain and paying for it year after year to keep it around. It's easy to add it just as an extra sub domain
1:09 health, for talk Python. In our demo, we're actually going to use fitnessd as in what you see right here, fitness, fitnessd as the sub domain there.
1:17 But okay, so this is our goal of this chapter. To get the Anvil app that we built up here and running like this. You'll see it's not too hard.
1:25 It does take a little bit of patience because, well, DNS takes time. There's some Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificates
1:32 that take a little bit of time, things like that. But it's not hard and we'll do it right away.

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