Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Application first steps
Lecture: Concept: Anvil forms (pages)

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0:00 We saw the core way to create UI elements is to use all the controls that you can drag and drop onto the Form Designer.
0:09 You create these forms, you set the properties of the elements you drag and drop over, and that's it. You create these beautiful forms
0:16 and they come in two parts. One part is we have this UI. Alright, this is the design for add measurement that we just built.
0:25 Looks great, you can see we're in Design mode. But, on the other side, we have the code behind and here's where we write all the Python code
0:33 that responds to events on those forms. It actually lets us write code for when it starts up and even other types of operations as well.
0:43 What's super-interesting is this Python code actually runs on the client side. This is all running on top of a JavaScript Python runtime.
0:53 That means it puts no load on a server it has near zero latency, it's beautiful. So, really, really nice way to take a great UI like this
1:01 write some interactive code in Python and have it work the way you want. Course, we're going to add ways to reach back to the server
1:08 talk to the database, interact with the APIs, and so on. That's really the next thing we need to do for this add measurement control
1:14 is somehow save those measurements we've validated and gotten from the user. But, these forms are really, really great
1:19 and pretty much anyone can go use the designer and build them out just the way they want.

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