Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Setup and following along
Lecture: Git the source

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0:00 At the end of this course I'm going to provide everything that I've created here to you. Now that's going to take two basic shapes.
0:09 A lot of that is going to be in our GitHub repository for the course over at
0:17 So go over here, star this, and fork it. Make sure you have access to it. What I'm going to do is I'm going to export the code from Anvil
0:24 and drop it in here. That will let you look at the Python files and actually see exactly the code
0:29 and you can copy little bits out of there into your editor. Another thing I'll do is I'll put a link in here so that you can clone a live version
0:37 make a copy of a live version of the Anvil app so that you can just, inside Anvil say make a copy and start editing this on my account.
0:46 That's probably the best way if you want to take the code we create in the course and run it. It will clone it within Anvil and then play with it.
0:53 But if you want to take the source files and maybe copy little bits in here and there over into your app that might be slightly different
1:01 you would probably want to get the source code from GitHub. Either way, you want to go here this is going to have the link to make a copy
1:06 as well as the original source files that we create during the course. I'm going to try to provide as much as possible
1:12 of what we create during the course for you. Also we talked about creating the client-side applications. All that code will be here.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon