Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Setup and following along
Lecture: Our editor for external Python code

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0:00 We're going to need a proper editor to write Python code when we're working locally. Again, it doesn't make any sense
0:07 or it's not really a feature of Anvil to use a local editor against our remote Anvil code. That's what and the whole Editor Online is there
0:17 and what that's all about, but again we're going to work on some local client-side applications that talk to our server code through APIs that we're
0:24 going to create during this course. For that, we're going to need an editor so I recommend that you check out PyCharm
0:29 that's my favorite, that's what I'm going to be using. Close second would be VS Code with the Python plugin. Those are both really good options.
0:37 We're going to use PyCharm. You should be able to use the Community Edition the free edition of PyCharm for this course.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon