Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Get the back story on Talk Python

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0:00 Finally, before we kick off this course I just want to tell you that if you want to dive deeper into Anvil and you want to hear the story
0:08 of why it was created how some of the internals work and so on I interviewed over on the Talk Python To Me Podcast on Episode 138 Meredydd Luff.
0:17 He's one of the co-creators, co-founders of Anvil. We talk all about why did he built it, why does it exist
0:24 why does it work this way, a lot of the internals and things like that, so you might enjoy listening to this.
0:29 It's about an hour, you know, take it with you on a drive or while you're doing some errands. It'll give you a personal perspective
0:36 of what we're about to learn.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon