Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: What we will build

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0:00 In this course we're going to spend the vast majority of our time actually writing code working in Anvil directly in Python
0:08 building out our application. It's not going to be PowerPoints and just a bunch of fluff and walking you through. No, we start with blank pages
0:16 and we build this app end to end with very little copy and paste or starting from any working code. So you're going to see it built from the ground up.
0:24 Here's our app, it's called Fitnessd. That's how we're going to pronounce it and it's dropping the E because we want it
0:30 to be something we could trademark and something cool and things like that. So we're going to build an app and the idea is that it tracks your health
0:37 tracks your stats, like your weight and resting heart rate over time. So here, you can see, it has a little laning page
0:45 it tells you that if you follow this plan you'll wake up feeling energized and it's free and it's mobile friendly and all of those kind of things.
0:53 Let's go and actually log in. If we try to do the other stuff it'll make us create our account. So, here you can see we have a really nice login page.
1:00 We can login with Google I'm just going to login with a username and password or I could register. When I land here, you can see this is our homepage
1:08 that has our fitness details. Really nice, interactive graph we can come in here and see things like that. We could zoom in on a particular section
1:18 like this, and pan it around. All right, we can look at our days. So we have this really nice, interactive graph.
1:24 So the idea is we want to allow people to enter their weight and their resting heart rate one time a day and then they'll have a graph
1:31 and they can see, how are they doing? Are they getting healthier and things like that. There's a nice way for them to add things like this
1:38 so they can say, you know, I want to add a measurement here and come down here and pick. Cool, another date just like that and so on.
1:46 But their heart rate is 75 or whatever and now weight is required and so on. So, very, very cool. We can also compare us against the whole thing.
1:57 You're this tall and you're a male here's their average. Here's how you compare to those people. Okay, so this is the app that we're going to build
2:04 it has a pro, go to our account. See, I've purchased the pro plan using a credit card. So, I started out as a basic free user
2:13 and I upgraded through the e-commerce system. This is the app that we're going to build entirely in Anvil
2:18 and we're also going to build some Python apps on the side that simulate things like mobile apps that could save our data or other utilities
2:26 that work with our databases here.

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