Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Using SQLAchemy
Lecture: Package details data
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We have our design in place but we don't really have the data being passed. Let's go fix that, so if we go over to our controller
here we're just passing package name. But we actually have to pass a whole bunch of other stuff. So let's start by treating this for real
and let's go over here and say package. It's going to be package_service, and find_package_by_name. Alright well that doesn't exist, does it?
So PyCharm can write it for us, thank you. And this is going to be a str and it's actually going to return an optional package.
Optional comes from the typing library. Okay so, what are we going to do? What we always do when talk the database. And then go here.
And we're create a session, and then we'll be able to return some result of a query. Turns out this is super easy, remember the package name is
also actually the ID and maybe want to strip off anything like spaces, or make this lowercase but we're just going to just do the query with it.
Assuming everything comes together, so we'll just say give us a query of package, and then we're going to filter on the == to package_name.
What do we get if we do this? Well we get one or zero packages of course but what we actually get is a cursor into the database.
Cause, it has no way of knowing that that means just one so if we want to make sure we get just the one we'll say first.
So first, or None if it doesn't exist. Instead of returning like a query set thing we're going to get actually either the first package
or nothing if the name doesn't match, hence the optional. Okay so now instead of checking for this package name
we'll check to make sure the package is actually found. So there's a few things we're going to have to put here
and it's going to be a little complicated it's going to get more complicated before it gets better. Okay, so go over here and pass the package
that's not needed anymore. Now in order for this to actually work we're going to have to, let me point at some pieces here
we're going to have to come and indicate whether it's the latest version, and if it's not which version it is here is the numerical value
of the latest version and whether or not that numerical value is the latest, okay? And by the way, if it turns out to not be the latest
we'll get a different install statement right there, okay? So, for that we got to return the latest version. Now this is the part where it gets messier
before it gets better. I'm going to show you a way to vastly improve this but it adds another layer on top of things.
So first of all let's just come up with the details here and then we'll clean it up in another section under validation.
So we'll save the latest version we're going to default this to zero and we'll say if package.releases, remember this?
Our releases' navigating that relationship. Now, right now this is going back and doing another database interaction
which is not terrible but it's not awesome. We'll fix that in a minute. So we'll say r equals, let's call this latest release
we need the latest version to be set to nothing. An empty sort of nothing value or the real version but we're also going to need, if that exists
there is a latest release we'll actually need that object. So I'm going to say this is None. I'm going to pass that in a second.
Alright so the package has releases the latest release is going to be the first one, why? We go over to the package class, notice we're sorting
descending by the highest version number. Okay so it means the zeroth one is the latest release. Have the latest version text is going to be
alright pass these along, it's kind of big. So let's wrap it, and we're getting close. We're also going to need to pass the maintainers
we haven't dealt with that yet. So, I'm just going to pass that as an empty list so it doesn't crash. And the other thing we need to discuss is
is this the latest release? And I'm just going to say it is for now remember the ability to navigate to different versions.
We're just going to say is latest is true, for the moment. We don't actually take the versions here under these details exactly but down here
when we look at the released version. Pull up the details, here we're passing that. So we'll come back to that.
I think this might be enough, so what are we going to do? Going to go to our super simple query make sure we got something back.
If we didn't, must not be found. Come up with the various data here's a little default. If we actually do have releases we'll put those here.
I'm going to return these values. So one more thing we'll need when we get the more complicated bit
but we're just going to say that our current version we have out there is this, is the latest version. Oh, look at that.
Alright let's do quick comparison. Real, fake, real, fake. Looks like our, oh our fonts maybe are not the most amazing
here we might not be bringing those in. But nonetheless, it's close enough for what we're doing. And notice here's our description
right, if we could transform this restructured text that would be better, but it's not. Here's our project description, our release history.
I think we might need to put a wrap there. Got the home page. Here's the awscli, here's information on the status
here's the license, here's the license again. Here's all the extra metadata. So it's looking pretty good, and here our latest version.
Well, it's good, it is the latest version. We're also missing a little CSS, hold on I'll fix that.
There we go, now we got that wrapping and everything. Looks a little bit better I just forgot to move a little CSS over.
Like I said, we're skipping over the design. It's very very similar to before but just needed a few more styles. Alright what do you think?
Pretty close, again it's not exact like we don't actually have the copy feature but I think it's close enough for
our little demo app that we're building. Here's the summary that was entered in the database. Here's the package ID, here's the latest release.
Here's the date of the latest release that's those kind of are why we actually needed the object. And yeah, everything looks really good.
So I think that's pretty much working. Let's just review it real quick here. In order to do this, all we had to throw in a filter
and say package.field or column ==. I know Django and Mongoengine have equals here but in SQLAlchemy, you put the equality statement here.
So you can do greater than and stuff as well. So ID equal equal the value and then to get just one of them first.
And the rest was just passing the data off to the template.