Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Using SQLAchemy
Lecture: Inserting data
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You can see we've defined our schema and modeled those in our data classes here and everything seemed to be working just fine.
However let's see what kind of data we are having over here and we can jump to the console, do a little query okay get all the packages, 0 packages.
Not so interesting is it. Well I guess we're going to have to insert some data. Now the reality of inserting data is
we're going to need some web forms. We're going to need people posting data to the service
and things like that. We're going to do that when we get to say the user section. But for the moment we need to bootstrap this whole project
and get some data in here so we can show it, things like that. Along those lines, we're going to do two things.
First of all we're going to write a little bit of basic code. And notice I've made a bin folder over here.
Create a new little Python file called basic_inserts. Now in this basic_inserts what we're going to do is just insert a couple of packages
and maybe some releases just to see how it works and then we'll go and actually use this little data to load up all the real PyPI data
using exactly the structure that we have here. Great, so let's get started. Now notice we have two new requirements Python dateutil and progressbar2.
I'll go ahead and install those. PyCharm is noticing that I've updated down here but I've updated the setup
so we're going to need that for this load data thing but we're not using it yet. One thing we will need
is we're going to need to initialize the database. So what we're going to do is we're going to come first import os and our DBSession.
And we need to import pypi as well. So we're just going to go figure out the path to that file right there.
Then we're going to call DBSession.global_init. We did that previously nothing new here but you have to do this at the beginning
of every process is going to talk to the database. Great, so let's define the main method that we're actually going to use.
I'll do the sort of main convention that Python uses for its processes. So that's going to initialize the database.
And then let's just go over here and do a method I will call it insert_some_data. So we'll just say insert a package. So what do we want to do here?
Well let's figure out what we have to set in order to insert a package. So what we going to do is we're going to insert a package
and we're going to give it a one or two releases. So we'll just come over here and grab some of this stuff so we can see what we need.
And let's just get started. So we're going to say p = Package(). We're going to allocate one of those like that. That's the one we defined
we don't need to set the ID. Actually, sorry we do is not auto-incrementing like the others. So let's say id is going to be input package name
and then the created_date. We don't need to set the summary. Summary is input. Package summary. We won't set the description or the home page
of the docs for now. We'll leave that alone. Say and also set the email here. Okay that's going to cover that
that sequence set the license that's easy. Now we're going to create two releases. So what do we need for a release. Let's drop that stuff right there.
In the release, the id is going to be set automatically. We need those. We have a created_date they'll be set automatically
and I will just copy this over. So let's say r1 = Release(). So here let's set the version and the created_date will be automatic. comment, url, size
I guess we'll leave those all alone for now. We'll set the size to a 100k. How's that. And we can do the same for release two.
Technically don't need to call it release. Just keep the same variable name but just so it all crazy. Got a little bit bigger.
Okay so we've created these in memory but that doesn't put them in the database. How do we put them in the database?
What we have to use is what's called a session. So here's this unit of work design pattern as opposed to active record that SQLAlchemy uses.
So we come over here and we say DBSession go to that factory and that creates our session. And then later we're going to say session.commit().
Assuming we want to save it. And it's somewhere in between we'll say session.add(p) for the package. We could also go over here and say okay
r.package_id = And that would associate them in the database. But we could do something more interesting
now we could say p.releases.append([r1, r2]) And just put them together in memory the way we would in code.
And then this will navigate that relationship. All right. Well let's give that a shot. I'll insert a couple of these.
Let's go and run our basic inserts let's see if we got things working right. So far let's go with a request. requests HTTP for humans, connect, writes
oops misspelled it but that's alright MIT I don't know, we'll just guess to be 1, 0, 5, 6, whatever, 2, 0, 0. Now let's do one more of these.
Let's go with SQLAlchemy the ORM for Python, Mike Bayer. I'll go with BSD. I've no idea of that's what it is but I'm just going to make this up.
1, 1, 1 and 2, 2, 5. Then lets just bail out go back over to our database. I want to run a select of packages. I think I got it open again.
Look at that, here we have it. It's all inserted we have requests and SQLAlchemy both inserted today. We didn't set a lot of the details
but we did set many of them. Got our licenses and those now the other interesting question is what about this? What if we go over here
to over here and say releases and run the same query Look at that. We have the various releases and most importantly the package ID was already set.
So that's really beautiful. Let us fully leverage the object oriented nature of this. We create the package packages contain releases.
So we went to the releases and we put the various releases in there release 1 and 2 and we just called add
for the package and it followed the entire object graph to create these relationships for us. So you get to skip out a little bit
on thinking of all the ways your data is split up in SQLAlchemy and just think of how you wanted to focus and work in memory.
Now these relationships can have performance issues and we'll talk about that when I get to querying on how to fix it because SQLAlchemy does have ways
around the inherent performance problems you might get here. but it's a really really nice way of working and this is how we do inserts for data.
Over here we create a session. We've allocated the objects. We just add one or more of them and then call commit.
All happens successfully or with a failure right there. If we wanted to make an update we could do a query.
Get one of these back from one of the sessions. Talk about query, do a query make a change to it and then call commit and that'd push the changes back.
Okay so this is basically how we work inserting data. And this is the real simple one and that's how it works.
Inserts in SQLAlchemy, create the objects add them to the session, called commit. Boom, Inserted.