Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: Relationships
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One of the core relationships in this model is that we have a package and packages have releases.
A release has a package and a package has many releases. Okay. So let's model that right here.
Now, SQLAlchemy has a way to build in these relationships which ultimately create foreign key constraints and relationships in the database itself.
So we come over here and we can just say releases is equal to and we need to go import up here...
some more stuff. We need to import the orm to explicit use that. I'll just say as orm... and down here we'll say orm.relationship.
The first, again it's *arg, **kwarg which I don't know, it's a pet peeve of mine. There's just a bunch of keyword arguments.
Let's just explicitly set them with default values but anyway, here we have, sum value the first thing
we have to pass, the first positional argument is the name of the class that we're relating to. There. I'm going to put release.
What we probably want is to have a certain order here. The way it's going to work is we're going to get a package back
and it's going to have a property or a field which is a list that we can just iterate over so for, r in p.releases, things like that.
Having some form of order on that is going to be really important. Either descending or ascending, of course we could sort it
every time we get it back but it's much better to let the database do the default sorting. If we need to change that, we can.
The thing that we're going to put here is we're going to say order by, equals. Now we could put two things here. One thing is I could say release
and we got to import that, and we could say major version like that and that would be ascending or I could even say descending like this.
That's going to show three, two, one but then there's other parts as well right? There's the minor version, if the major version matches
we want to sort by that. This is pretty common to write like this but in this case what we actually want to do is we want to put this into a list.
So we're going to do major and then minor, and then build. We'll leave the comma. So that's going to do the ordering.
If we go over here and look, these all have indexes so the ordering should be nice and fast. There's not that many anyway but still, good.
Over on the other side, we would, if we do a query for a package, we're going to get its releases but then on each individual release
we'd like to be able to navigate this relationship in code in reverse, without actually going back to the database.
We can say backpopulates equals package. That means over on the release, somewhere down here we're going to have a package property
which we'll do more details on that in a second. But when we get one of these packages and we interact with its releases
each one of the ones that comes back is going to have that set to the package that we got from the database. Makes sense? Okay.
This lets us navigate bidirectionally which is really really important. This side of things, I think is done.
The releases is a little more interesting. Let's go, how do we know that a release is related to a package in the database.
Well, it's going to have a package ID is equal to some SQLAlchemy thing. Right, some SQLAlchemy column here.
Now, this is going to be set by the relationship but this is a field or column in the database
that has to be set, and it's going to be SQLAlchemy not string. That's the way that IDs are packaged right, if we go up here and look.
This is a string, so that has to be a string there, right, those match. But in addition to being just a regular string
it's going to also be, a foreign key relationship. We'll say SQLAlchemy.ForeignKey. When we did our relationship back here
we spoke in terms of classes, the release class. When we talk about the foreign key we talk in terms of databases
so we'll say packages, not capital p package, dot ID. That is going to store the relationship in the database
but we also would like to be able to navigate it in memory and code, so here we're going to do orm again we got to import that.
Come down here, and this will be a relationship... To the class package and it's going to back populate releases.
Let's look at that over here, and it's going to back populate this so if we get a singular release it's going to go and we interact with its package
then it's going to automatically do this right so this bidirectional nature and then we're talking about this class here.
It can be confusing when you're working with these relationships when you speak in database terms when you speak in Python type terms
but here's how we're going to do it. Now in order for this to have any effect of course we need to go over here and drop these two tables.
If we rerun it we'll see if we got it right. Encouraging, let's look again. Now over here, actually if we look at releases...
if we look at releases, you can see we've got package ID... is a relationship over to over to package.ID.
Alright, we have that relationship modeled there which is pretty awesome. We have our foreign key constraint right there.
From package, back, did it put it on the other one as well? No, just on the releases table but that's all we need.
Now that's pretty interesting to see it show up in the database but what we'll see is if we can come over here and we
obviously this is not going to work, alright. This is not really a thing but let me just type it out. So if we have p as a package that we somehow
got from the database then we can say p.releases say for r in releases print r dot and then off it goes right, major version or whatever.
This relationship will mean that we can do a single query to get the package and then we can just navigate this relationship.
Similarly if we have this we can go .package, .ID if we wanted to print out the name right? And that would navigate these two tables in the database
using our classes here and that's what we've built with our ORM relationship on both sides of the story.