Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: The rest of the tables
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With our package class mostly in place I've already created the other various tables that we're going to need.
So we went through creating packages in great detail and we're not quite done we still have to put some relationships on it.
But, let's just quickly look at the rest because they're exactly the same and it's not really worth taking tons of time to work it out. So downloads.
We're going to have a download thing. Again, it derives from SQLAlchemyBase when I altered the name here.
This is interesting. We have an integer, a bigint, primary key here and we're actually telling it to auto-increment.
So that way, we don't even have to set it. It's just going to set itself right? That's great. Similarly for created date.
So when we insert a new record we don't have to set those two values. But, for the download we got to store the release
and the package and the IP address and the user agent. And we might want to do queries by these showing me all the downloads for this release.
Count the number of downloads for that package. So we have an index on those. Languages, this is like programing languages
like Python 227 or something like that. So we have a little bit of info here. Pretty straightforward. Again, we're using the ID to be both the name
and the ID since it has to be unique. So, that will avoid one more join. Same thing for licenses basically here.
Want to have a little simple basic information. Here we have the maintainer table. And this represents the many to many relationship
between the user table and the packages. So we have one user can maintain many packages and one package can be maintained by more than one user.
So here we have that information. Real simple. These we already did. Releases. This is going to be a release of a package.
So the release is going to have an ID. More importantly its going to have a major minor build version and a date.
It also has a URL to download that version and maybe a comment on what's changed as well as the size of that download.
I'm going to put a package relationship in here but, that's not in place yet. We'll get to package relationships shortly.
And then finally, the user table. So we have the ID which is auto-incrementing. And we have their name, their email.
Hashed password, we will never store plain text passwords. Never! So, we don't want to just put password. We want to make it super clear that
this is a hashed password. Again, when do they create their account? What's their profile image? And we'll keep a record of when they last logged in.
Maybe we have a table, maybe an audit table but, for now, when did we last see these people? Have they logged in recently
or has it been like five years? And that's it. That's all the data that we need. Over here in our database we just have the one.
But if we re-run it. We go refresh. There are all of our tables. Perfect, right? So SQLAlchemy will make the new tables
but if we had made a change to packages that change wouldn't be applied. Remember, that's migrations. We'll get to that later.
Alright so here we are. We pretty much have this up and running and we've got all our data modeling done.
The only thing we don't have in place currently are the relationships. That's an important part of relational databases, right?
So we're going to put that in place and then I think we will have our models more or less than. Oh, one more thing I didn't point out
but I did kind of infer before. Now that we define these new models we have to put them all in here. I actually try and keep them in alphabetical order
so I can quickly look, oh have I added licenses? Let's see. Oh yeah there it is. You can end up with many of these.
So this alphabetical order thing can definitely help. But every time we add a new class, it has to go here so the SQLAlchemyBase sees it
that's why that create worked.