Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: Modeling packages
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It's time to bring SQLAlchemy into our application and start modeling things in the database, and actually using a database. How cool would that be?
The place to start, I think, is modeling the tables with classes in SQLAlchemy. That's not actually the order, the first thing that happens
in order when you execute the program. We have to do things like create the connection connect to the database, make sure the tables
are configured and match the stuff that we're modeling things like that. But conceptually, the primary thing we're doing is modeling
the database with these classes, so let's start there. Now, I personally like to have a separate dedicated section for the various classes.
So we're going to create a sub-package. So here we have our data and let's start by modeling package, we'll call it packages, something like that.
So here's how it works in SQLAlchemy. We have a class, we give it a name. Typically its name should be singular but, you know, however you want.
It represents a single entity in the database anyway. It's going to derive from something here which we have to define, do that in a moment.
And then into it, we're going to put a bunch of columns so it's going to be like an int. And then we'll have, say this be a name
this is going to be a string, and so on. The things that we put on the right here are special SQLAlchemy values and they serve two purposes.
At design time, they tell SQLAlchemy how to actually create the tables. At run time, they're effectively this integers, strings, and so on.
So lets start by importing SQLAlchemy. Sometimes you'll see this as sa to keep things short so maybe we'll do that.
Now notice it says this is not defined so let's install this. Cause, it's actually not defined. While we're doing that, we can go over here
and also put it in the setup. Alright, now let's try it again. Oh perfect, so that's great. So we want a column, and in this column we would like.
Actually, we were going to hijack the name thing and just make that the primary key. Remember the name of the package has to be unique on PyPI anyways.
So let's just make this an sa.string and let's say primary key is true. Okay, starts to feel database-y right?
The next thing, this is just something I like in databases is always knowing when a record was created.
It lets you look at things that were recently created or see them in order, things like that. So let's add a created date. A datetime.
And we're going to expand on these columns and make them a little bit nicer. But let's just get the basic structure in place first.
A summary, now let me try to tie these back. So if we go over to SQLAlchemy here's going to be the name or the ID. This is the summary, right there
that little tiny short thing. So we'll come over here this is the sa.column. And then, this part down here that is a big fat long description.
So we'll have a description as well. We're also going to come over here and we'll have this little home page. We're going to be able to click on that
so we need to model the home page. Also a string, and a docs URL some of them have the ability to say here are the documentation.
and a package URL. Also you'll see that these have authors and maintainers and then, here they have an author. So the author's Mike Bayer
and Mike Bayers's one of the maintainers as well but so is this person, okay? So we need to model it having a dedicated author
but then also maintainers. Now we could do this to a relationship or we could put it directly on there. Maybe we want to keep it even in case
they delete their account. So I'm going to put the author information here and we'll use a join to get to the maintainers.
Then finally, these all have a license. Now we're going to use, oh let's see if we find the license here. Here we go. It's MIT.
We're going to use a similar trick as we did here we would like to show just this simple information
just the name of the license and maybe a link to it as well. Which is just the same as the title basically. So what we'd like to do is we could
set this up in a way where we have to do a join on a license table because we're going to have a set of licenses.
But, if we make the ID also be the name and be unique why would you have two licenses with exactly the same name? We won't.
So, because the name would be unique we could use this and then this could actually both be just the string but also the relationship.
So that'll avoid one join and make our table a little bit faster. That'll be sweet. So one more thing down here
we're going to have releases and we're going to have maintainers. But the releases and the maintainers requires relationships.
So we're going to come back to that in just a little bit but right now, things are looking pretty good for our table.
If I go and start working with SQLAlchemy and saying here's my package table well one it needs a base class for this to work.
But on the other, it's going to create a table called Package as a singular. I personally don't like that
I'd prefer to have plural names and maybe lowercase. So we can control how this maps, so the database by putting a __tablename__ here.
And we'll say lowercase packages so on the table it's going to show up as lowercase packages. But when we have one of them
it's going to show up as a Package like a class would normally in Python. The other thing is sometimes nice when we're debugging this
you would like to see in PyCharm without actually expanding all the bits what package you got back, and so on. So we're going to add a __repr__.
And we'll just return something really simple here we'll just return. Just the ID, so it'll be package request package SQLAlchemy
and so on if we're looking at a debugger output or printing a list of these things. Something like that.
So that'll be a little bit helpful along the way. Alright so here's the basic concept of what we want to build.