Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Review: Data-driven vs. CMS pages
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At first, you might wonder what is really the difference between a data driven page and a CMS page.
After all, we're kind of storing them both in the database, right?
The CMS data is in the database and other things like packages and releases and users. Those were also in the database.
When you talk about this, don't have a clear idea of what it is you're talking about, a comparing and the advantages of them.
Most Web APS when you go learn about them, are what I'm calling data driven Web maps like this one here on the left.
This is viewing the eight of us seal I package and every single page that you look at. That is one of these the AWS Eli sequel, Commie Pyramid.
We'll ask whatever it is that you're pulling up, it's gonna have exactly this look. But the little places where data goes, we're going to vary.
And that's the data driven stuff in the database. We have ah, project name. We have a version we have releases.
We have a description and links and all those things. On the other hand, maybe we've got help.
Page the help page doesn't have nearly that much structure.
It's not like, Well, this help page has all these things and that HelpAge as all that No, it just use the title.
And here's some text that tells you what you might need to do to be helped with working my pi p I.
So the difference is we look in the left here we've got. Here's the title. The name of the project.
The version years, details about installing it, whether or not so the latest version of when that one was released. Little summary for it.
Things that are links about it, like the project description, the files, the home page and the description right there. We just got the text.
Remember, this is just mark down that we've rendered here, but it's not pure text. There's still some logic. There's still some stuff going on.
We still wanna have our overall Web application know about it because we might want to have an account section here.
Or maybe there's some part of this page that we wanna have still interact with our site and not just be some static file on the Internet to the advantage of bringing these two together as we still get the stuff in the upper right here on that help page, we can still interact with our site.
Nike still have logic, terming who has access to things and so on.
And yet we don't have to go write code and redeploy our website every time we wanna have a help page or a donate page or anything like that.
This is data driven pages on the left, Seamus pages on the right.