Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: A rich editing experience
Lecture: Choosing a markdown editor

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0:00 so far, we've been able to write, mark down and have our website render it. I'll be a little bit slow, and we're gonna work on that soon.
0:08 But what we couldn't do is edit it nicely. We had to write in just a silly text area thing in our Web page, and it knew nothing about the format.
0:18 There were no hot keys like command be, wouldn't bold our code of We've selected something hit command be so we want to add that capability to our site.
0:27 So the idea is we want to go from this basic text area like this, and this is already kind of advance.
0:31 You can see it's like showing different sized fonts for the things and so on.
0:35 But we want to go from just a text area to something like this, where it is actually rendering the text a little bit better.
0:42 Where we have this toolbar and we have honkies. Of course, you can't see hockey's, but they're here, right?
0:47 You can hit command, I for I, Tallis, ease or command be for Boulder control, your own Windows or Linux. So that's the goal of this chapter.
0:56 Now, like many things either in Python or in general and programming. We don't want to build this. This is a lot of work we could we shouldn't.
1:06 So what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna use an existing one. And I've chosen simple mde, simple markdown editor.
1:13 That title seems kind of redundant there, I guess. But anyway, simple mt dot com That's what we're going to use now. Just this is not the only choice.
1:21 There's a lot of markdown editors, but this one is simple. It has beautiful views. It has really nice features.
1:29 It has the hockey's that I want and so on. So if you find one that's better, that you like better, that works better. That's fine.
1:36 This isn't the newest or the latest or the greatest, but this one is really good and really well, simple, Hank, the name said.
1:41 So we're gonna plug this into our Web app, and you're going to see the back end editing experience goes from not so great, even for people who know Mark down well to a really nice editor for even people who are not super knowledgeable about writing in

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