Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Saving content to a database
Lecture: Concept: Inserting data
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Let's quickly review how to insert an object into the database with sequel alchemy. It's pretty easy.
We've moved the ability to create these sessions or in sequel Commies Nomenclature, a unit of work over to this DB session class.
All we have to do is call, create, and it sets everything up just the way we like. We create one of the objects we want insert.
So we want to insert a page. We just created a age variable, which is the new page.
We set the things like title in the Euro and the contents and make sure that you normalize them like that.
The euro's lower case that makes a lot easier and so on. And then finally, we're going to add that to the session and then commit the session.
That's it. Now this pages in the database and we can start going quarry to increase for it. Like give me the page by its URL. Or if you knew the i d.
You got it back right set by the database. When you get it back, you could work with I D. And why not? That's it.
Secret alchemy is pretty awesome, isn't it?