Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: The Pages
Lecture: Admin: Listing pages
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Well to work with those pages, we definitely don't want Teoh change some weird fake data thing or even type directly on the database.
We want to have a rich admin section kind of like we had for redirects, but honestly, much better
with a proper editor where you can do cool formatting and hot keys.
And you've got, like, toolbar buttons to help you form at the code and all kinds of good stuff.
So we're going to create an admin section for pages just like we have for redirects.
But because we've already done it for redirects, we should be able to blaze through this pretty quick.
So let's go over here and we're gonna have... First we had redirects. Now we have pages.
Again make sure. Double Triple Quadruple make sure the admin permission requirement is on there. And this can be pages.
So we wont to go down here and this should be 'page.list_view_model'. We're gonna get that by making a copy of this one.
We're going to call it page page_list. And guess what? Instead of request.redirect(pages) and this will be 'all_pages'.
It should be super similar to the one we have all redirects. We're going to just come down here.
But our create a list of our not redirects but pages and values.
And that should pretty much do it for this one, I think, other than it needs the pages list view model. and Pages.
Here we go. You can import that correctly. Return it and as long as we have this template... We don't have it yet, but we will in a second.
Add page. Add new page. You don't need a test instead of a test we went to visit and let's look really quick over here at our fake data.
Have a URL to go visit. So that's what we're going to need here. So we can save visit instead of. This will be url. That looks good.
Edit. Edit Page doesn't exist yet, but it's going to be Page ID. We can just use the url, I believe, for this one. Eh, we'll keep it at ID.
It makes life better, and then you just do the title. That might do it. Really there's not a whole lot more going on.
We've got our admin section into the shared layout. Let's go find out.
Go to our admin, we have view redirects which, of course, still seems to be working And view page. Fingers crossed.
No name error redirects. Where is that? Somewhere over here. We have a redirect still. Oh, yeah, There it is. You'll probably noticed it. And I didn't
So we'll say p in pages. Save that and refresh. We have r, or should I call it p, I could call it r, but that would be wrong.
dict attribute has no object, no attribute 'id' That is fine. We need to go and put those in here. We did that for the redirects.
It's going to be easier to change of the url of a page instead of trying to use that. So let's go over here and just put a quick...
Every one of these has an id that's gonna be one. Be too. And three. Now, we should be in business. Let's give it a shot.
Tada! There we go and check it out! Here's our company history. Our team and our donate to the PSF and we could visit it.
That should actually work. Shouldn't it. We could visit our team and visit the donate which of course, is the same as clicking right there. Okay. Edit.
Probably not gonna be amazing yet, is it? Add new Page?
No, but we do have this ability to list and see them and even visit the pages, so that's a really good start.