Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: The Pages
Lecture: Rendering the page within our site template
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so far with our CMS route method, our view method here. What we've done is we said, we use your cool little view model idea
our view model pattern that's working super well and we're just going to double down on that.
But we said If there's a page, we're just gonna do something super silly like,
Say, here is the title. If there's a redirect. We're gonna redirect them. If there's no page and no redirect, we just say, "Not Found".
But what we want to do is what you just on that last picture, a beautiful page that looks like it belongs with the rest of the site.
So how do we do that? Well, that's more or less this thing I commented out over here. So we're gonna specify a renderer.
And instead of doing this, we're going to save 'view_model.view_dictionary'
This is close, except for we want this to be CMS, and we want this to be something meaningful, like Page.
Why my calling "page" and not CMS requests like the others. Well, we're only using it for the page scenario. This one, we're not using it.
And this one "404" we're not using it. So page, it's gonna be in my world. Now, let's go and create that over here.
You don't have a folder yet, but we will shortly. CMS And then remember the easiest way to get one of these
because they're not just from scratch pages, but in fact, they are based on this shared layout template. We want it to look like just just so
we're gonna do a copy in a paste and call this page.
Now, I'm gonna add one quick little CSS class here because this one we wanna have some space have padded.
And actually, I'll show you what that does anything about first. So we're gonna look at real quick without the padding. Kinda bad, actually.
If we go to about... Ah, it's centered, so you can't really tell, but basically.
Stuff goes to the edge. It goes right to the edge, which is not amazing.
So we're gonna put this little padded thing in here and it just has a little more room.
Most importantly on the sides. Like I said, you can't really see it this moment. Okay, so we're gonna put that into our page template over here
and then in this section, What are we gonna do? I just want to put the entire blob of text that makes up the page. Right?
Well, let's do it like this. How do you put text in pyramid? You say whatever the text value is.
So let's look at our view model because it tells us what is passed over. So right now we're passing a page. If you look at pages, they have a contents.
Looking at our fake data for the moment, we have a contents. However, as we grow this thing, we're going to actually want to
maybe have the content store to something like markdown and then generate HTML. So I'm gonna have a 'self.html = None'. And then if they'll stop page
something like that, where we get the contents and set them to this HTML because this is going to get really interesting and more powerful as we go.
Just kind of looking ahead. So what do we have to do over here in our little page template?
We have to put HTML all right, and we probably also want to set the title and were not able to do that yet?
Notice. We've got these cool little extra sections in the shared layout that weaken drop in
notice right here. We're defining a slot for additional CSS. Let's go do one for the title up here.
We'll call this 'htitle' or something to that effect. And if they don't fill it out, this should be there. Otherwise we can have that go.
All right, So, over here. We can actually put the title. Remember we have to specify the title. Let's do it like this.
That way we don't have to put title they can just put the words down here. So let's just say we had this. We had title, I believe, for our page.
Let's have a quick look. Yeah, title. So we can just set it up there, maybe even make it something like this 'PyPI:TITLE OF OUR PAGE'.
We don't need to send any of this, but this one, we're going to have page title. Is that what I called it, double check. Yes. Okay.
This is looking pretty good. Let's go over and make sure we're using it. We're using it. Let's give it a run and make sure everything's working.
We come over here we had two. These company history and company employees. It didn't love title did it? What was wrong with that?
Well, where does title live? Over here. It's not called 'title'. It's on the page, right so we can say 'page.title'.
Remember? Only gonna be in this page if there's on this template. If there's a proper page, here we go.
"PYPI: Company History". Super and then details about our history. And then we probably want to even go and put the title again up here.
Let's put like a "h1" like that. Here we go. Beautiful. Company history. Let's go to employees, our team, details about our employees.
This is looking pretty good right? Now we don't have anywhere to click.
Like if I click on help. That doesn't exist yet, sadly, but you can see our CMS.
It's controlling the title, putting this in here and then this is just gonna be arbitrary content,
not a big fan of it being centered, So we want to work on that in our CSS. But basically this is off to a really good start.
There's a few things we're gonna need to keep changing, as you'll see, as we get into it. To do real stuff,
but we're off to a good start showing our CMS content