Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Redirects and the admin section
Lecture: Add redirect view methods
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It's time to add redirects dynamically as an external user, not just typing in the source code of our website.
That's how, of course we want people to work with it And we're gonna use one of two of these URLs here.
In the beginning, we used add to add new ones, but eventually you want to edit them. So we're either gonna go to /admin/add-redirect to add a new one,
or we're going to go to /admin/edit-redirect and then give the ID to edit that. Those obviously don't exist yet over here. So we're gonna write them.
Now, these are going to require a slightly different styles. So I'm going to put a little divider here. We'll call this add redirect.
Why such a divider? Because we're actually gonna have two functions. They're both gonna kind of look like this. So we'll clone that.
First thing, let's go and say add redirect. And then the route is add redirect.
And what are we gonna put here? It turns out that adding and editing are going to be identical. So let's just say this is going to an edit redirect.
But we want a different url so we're not gonna change this or this.
But it turns out the same form works for both, so we don't have to write it twice. That's cool. Now, to follow the get, post, redirect pattern,
sometimes you'll see people say, if request.method equal do get such and such
else do such and such. You should never do that right. That makes it super complicated. Don't do that.
What we're gonna do instead, as we're gonna go over here and use the web infrastructure. Say method equals get like that.
And this is going to let us hook into that. And this function will only get called if it's a GET.
So because of that, we need to have different names of more than one function. We already ran into that error.
We're going to have one like this, and then we're gonna have one for POST. And this is gonna be called post too.
This one handles showing the form. This one handles processing the user data submitted when they save the form.
Oh, and I forgot, this is request method, not just method.