Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Routing for the CMS
Lecture: Examining the existing routes
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Before we start adding our CMS content and our CMS routes to our website, let's just quickly review the routes that are already in place.
Now I like to organize my projects more than is specified by various frameworks.
So here you can see in our main method, we've got our includes, our sublibraries, optional libraries that get included, like chameleon.
Over here, we've got our database initialization and then our routing. In newer versions of Pyramid, if you create a new project,
it'll put this routing into a separate folder, and then include it kind of like this.
That's fine, but I don't think we really I like it just this way as well. It's totally good.
So down here, let's look at what we got. There's quite a bit going on, isn't there? So we have the static route here, and it's at one hour.
Just give you a sense of my real websites. It's at a year,
and we do some techniques to make sure the URL changes if underlying content that shouldn't be cached any more changes.
So this is kinda gonna small, but that's okay.
Here we have, I like to group them by controller you could tell already I like to use a lot of organization here.
So here we have 'home', which has various methods like 'home' and 'about', and our templates have 'home' and 'about'
our view models have something like that about page doesn't have a view model, right?
So same thing here we have home or have some names 'home' and '/about'. Slash in about. And let's go over here and look how that ties back.
So over here we have our 'home index' and then our 'home about'. We could just call it 'index' and 'about', but I decided to call it this.
And you could see the route name right here, 'home' and 'about'.
And if for some reason, this was different, like if I put a '2' there and try to run it,
It's going to crash and say we looked for a route called 'about2'. Apparently in the entire 'init_route' method,
The whole startup of the app, You didn't ever register a route called 'about2'
So, that's how these tie together. You can see that it's pretty picky that those were actually valid. What you put there.
We also happen to be saying we're using this. These various templates here and then returning a dictionary to those templates.
Just standard pyramid stuff. So let's go back and look at some more. We have the package controller.
This is for the various packages, So if we pull this up, you'll recall. We go and click on one of these.
notice it's 'project/aws-cli'. If this was sqlalchemy, is that in our short database? It is.
So you can see it pulls it up to this bit right here is passed over to that method. And the way it's done is, we say it's '/project/<SOME VARIABLE>'.
We'll grab that we call it 'package_name'. Now, One thing that's annoying about Pyramid is whether or not the slashes on the end matters.
So I've added a second route to say if they put the slash, same action, do the same thing. Here you can see one that has a constraint.
So this actually can appear first because it's the only one with numbers in the front,
so I could go over here and put '1' and see the most popular package
Where as the website doesn't really pull it back It just says the 1st, 2nd, 6th, and so on.
But it's not catching things like 'about' because of this constraint here. Okay, so we got that we got a package, details, some release details.
And then down here, we have our account for log in, and register, and so on. One other thing let's look at the account bit right here
that you work with and specifying a matching these routes. I talked about the URL matching the pattern. That's true but also the http verb.
Are you just doing a request to a page which would be a GET, or are you submitting a form back to that page which would be a POST.
So we can also distinguish between these two methods here on whether it's a GET or a POST, in addition to having the same route.
I guess that will come up somewhere as we work on our CMS. Technically, the CMS as a consumer of it will probably be only GET.
As we work on the admin section to edit our pages and whatnot, of course, we're gonna need a have both of these in place.
All right, well, that's pretty much it for the routing that we have in place here I think we're, yeah. I think we're pretty much good