Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App Transcripts
Chapter: A tour of our demo application
Lecture: Exploring the starter source code
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Well, you saw our PyPI clone running. Now, let's look inside and look at the source code and see how it's built. This is a pyramid web application.
We're not gonna talk about the foundations of Pyramid, assuming that if you're taking this course, you're at least somewhat familiar with Pyramid.
We actually have a whole course where literally we build that PyPI clone in pyramid called "Data Driven Web Apps with Pyramid".
So if you really want to dig in and you're completely starting from scratch, that that might be a good course to check out.
Over here, I'm just gonna show you what we got going on because we're going to start from this code,
and we're gonna start extending it and working with it.
Now, we brought this '.bin' folder and this just has a couple of little utilities that we'll use to, like, load up the initial data into the database.
It's probably already been done for the one you're working with, but if not, then you can use that.
Here's where it gets interesting. We have our controllers. This is where our view methods go. So, for example, we go over to the packages controller.
We clicked on one of those packages like '/project/pyramid' that we saw. This is the code that runs. Now, This is a pattern I love to use.
It doesn't appear in many, many web apps, but I think you'll appreciate it. I use this concept of the view model that will exchange the data.
That is necessary to show, basically render the HTML. Okay, so a lot of the work is gonna happen here, but we're gonna handle this request.
We're going to basically repopulate the data. If we weren't able to find a package, we're gonna return 'Not Found'.
Otherwise, we're going to return the dictionary to this '' which is over here.
Like, right there. Notice the controllers have names like packages, and then the templates have directories for those controllers.
and then files HTML files for the view methods. Really nicely structured there Let's look at that view model real-quick again Same structure
We have the models. Then, we have the controller name. Then, we have some kind of naming a package details view model,
And what it's gonna do is, it's just going to do a little bit of base work with the request.
And then it's going to get the package name that was passed over. Try to use the package name to get the package from the database.
Set up some information that has to be shown like, what's the latest version and the releases and so on.
And if it's able to find a package, it's going to populate that from the package and it's releases.
Of course it has to have a release, or we're just going to say there's no releases All right, so that's how we're showing this content.
And what else do we need to talk about? We're going to be using SQLAlchemy.
So, for example, here we have the SQLAlchemy class that's stored into our database for that package,
and it has things like an ID, Created Date, Summary, and a Description Homepage, Doc URL, Package Installation URL,
the Authors and the Releases in a relationship.
So we're gonna be working with these SQLAlchemy classes, and we can query those. And the way that we generally work with them,
if we go back here notice we have this package service that has some cool methods, like 'Find Package By Name', 'Get the latest releases count',
'How many packages There are' 'How many releases are there for a given package' And then just give us all the packages.
We can check this query out really quick. We're using type hints to make this nicer
Now we're gonna create a DB session, and then we're just going to go and do a query So this is standard SQLAlchemy
Create session and you say I want a query the package. I want to filter by the package ID is the name.
That's the way we set up our models of the ID is the name.
Then we only want one of those or we want to get 'None' back if there's no match for that package name
So first is either going to give us the one and only one that matches or it's gonna give nothing back. And that's pretty much it.
We also probably want to look at the routing really quick because that's gonna be super important.
So the main start up for the whole app is in this '__init__' here for the package. So this method runs, and It's gonna come in here.
It's going to set up some things that are included, like the template in language here It's going to set up the SQLAlchemy database.
And then it's going to set up the URLs that are running our Web app, and that's pretty much it.
This 'init routing' stuff is gonna be really interesting. And we're going to spend a lot of time in the beginning getting this extended for our CMS.
So you noticed that we have a static view. We've got some routes, like when you just visit the website, it gives you the home view.
If you visit '/about', it gives you that For the packages, we have a couple of things. We could go to '/project/package name',
with or without the little slash on the end and that's going to go to the method that we've been looking at You can also get the releases for a package
So project, the name that's passed and then releases. And then we have some stuff around 'log in', 'log out', 'site map'. We have those kind of things.
We don't have it really set up yet, but we're gonna have some admin routes
where we can basically go and manage our CMS and other stuff behind the scenes,
and that's about it. Here's the database setup. It's just a simple SQLite database, so you don't have to have a server.
Just really keep it as simple as possible You can change this bit here to talk to real databases like Postgres, MongoDB or whatever it is
All right, well, that's a whirlwind tour of our Web application that we're going to be running, and you can see right here it looks just like PyPI.
not exactly, It doesn't have to be 100% clone, but good enough that we have this idea of Here's our main page. Here's our data driven list of packages.
Here's the details for the packages. This is the part we've been exploring just now. That's how our web app works.
And this is what we're gonna use is our starting point to build from in this course