Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Using SQlAlchemy
Lecture: Inserting real PyPI data

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0:00 One other thing, we also need to add system.path Append to our path, this folder right here. Because we're importing
0:11 in PyCharm this is going to totally work smooth because guess what? PyCharm does that for us right there. But if we try to run this outside
0:19 without setting this up as a package or something like this it's not going to work so great.
0:25 So we're going to run Python out of our virtual environment. Point it at and load data, here it goes.
0:30 So in the end we found 84 users, 96 packages, 5400 releases embedded within those documents, 10 maintainers 25 languages, and 30 different licenses.
0:42 All right, well, that's it. We should now have a whole lot more data over here. And if we go look real quick
0:47 let's just go to the packages and jump to the console. Say select * from packages, we run it. We got a whole bunch of 'em.
1:00 Here's amqp, apters, argparse, flake8 and so on. If we run it for releases you're going to see a whole bunch of stuff.
1:09 And they're related to they're various packages over here on the right. Pretty awesome huh? So now when we run our app. Move here and we click on it.
1:19 You can see, well, we're not quite using the data yet. But, we're going to start using all that data we just loaded up.
1:25 And dropping it into these locations. So, that's going to be real awesome. We have true, accurate, realistic, or even snapshot in time
1:34 real data from pypi to work with to finish building out and testing our app.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon