Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Using SQlAlchemy
Lecture: Setting package values
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Classes model records in our database so all we have to do is go and save this back into the database and that's where this unit of work
in the factory from db_session, comes from. So what we'll do is we'll say session equals db_session.factory. So, this is pretty cool.
If we come over here and say db_session. notice all the cool things you can do? No, no you don't. There's none. If I actually set the type here.
I'm not going to leave it like this but, if I were to import sqlalchemy.orm like this, and set it to a session all of a sudden, we have, oh look
autoflush, and commit, and bind and rollback, and all the database things and add, and so on. Let's go ahead and get this set up real quick
and then I'll show you what we'd actually do. We'll make this a little bit nicer. There's some stuff down the road.
We're going to need to make this better anyway. All right, so, we're going to do some work and then, the way this unit of work works
is you say, I'm going to make a bunch of changes in this area create the session, make a bunch of changes.
No interaction with the database will have happened until line 26, when we call commit or, if we had entered some kind of query
but we're not querying, we're only inserting. Let's do this. Let's come over here, and we'll say session.add. That's it.
If we run this, it's going to insert it right away but let's add a couple of releases. So we'll say, r., r is a release. I'm going to import that.
Let's go over to releases and see what we got to set. id auto_increment in, we don't need to set. Those, we should definitely set.
created_date is its own thing. So, let's just do those three and maybe the size. So, we'll say r.majorversion equals... Now, we're just going to assume
that they know how to type an integer and, if they don't, well, it's going to crash, but it's OK. It's just a little example.
Minor, and build. And, last one, will be size in bytes. OK. Looks pretty good. Now, how do we let's do a quick print.
Release one, something like that and let's do it again for release two. So there's actually more than one release per package, OK?
How do we associate this release with this package? There's a lot of ways. We could add each release separately. So we could say session.add each time
and this, and then commit it as long as we had set r.package_id = Now actually, in this case, this would be fine
but normally, windows are auto-incrementing IDs. You need to first save the package and then you can set it, and it gets real tricky, right?
Like, it's not super simple to do this but, what is super simple is to work with this relationship over on packages. So, let's go to here, package.
Remember this, releases? It's a relationship but it kind of acts like a list. Let's just try that. What happens if I say, p.releases.append
as if it were a list. You know that's going to work. It is, it's awesome. OK, so we're going to append those
and we're never going to tell the session to add it but it's going to traverse the relationships and go, I see you have other records
to insert into other tables, and relationships to set up.