Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Improving markdown

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0:00 we saw the challenges of both writing HTML and having broken HTML that breaks our page by switching to mark down and mark down is beautiful.
0:10 We used the mark down to library. We're able to pass over the mark down and have it turn into HTML so we
0:16 could continuously edit the nice version markdown. But show what we have. Teoh HTML However,
0:22 there was a couple of things that were either big disadvantages or features we wanted The
0:27 big disadvantage was speed we saw that are marked down conversion was really, really slow. Like for a simple page 2015 20 pages long,
0:38 that was gonna take 800 milliseconds, every request that is not going to scale. That is not gonna make our users happy. None of that was okay. Also,
0:46 we might want to re use content, we say, Well, we're gonna have this block a code appear on,
0:50 like 10 different pages. Do we want to write and maintain 10 copies of it Of course not. We want to write it in one place and have it
0:57 show up all over the place. But mark down doesn't do that. So we brought in this markdown sub template library.
1:04 So with markdown September what we saw that it automatically handles the cashing on Lee re compute stuff when it needs to,
1:10 which makes it much, much faster. We were getting 10 milliseconds instead of 800 millisecond response times,
1:16 which is really good close to 100 times faster for some of the requests we also saw. It has this import statement, which allows us to build arbitrary,
1:24 really deep, nested levels of imports. Right imports can use imports and weaken. Compose these reusable elements of our CMS in a much,
1:33 much better way. Also has the ability to pass in variables and replace them in the page like Jinja. But we didn't take advantage of that.
1:41 So this marked down sub template library was exactly what we needed to make this work
1:45 much better. Couple of things band to do in order to use it in our view model. When we were getting the content of the page,
1:52 the very last line here self that HTML. Instead of just saying that's the page dot content or mark down to dot convert over
2:00 the page contents. We actually just go to the markdown sub template. We say Go to the engine and get the page.
2:06 Give it the URL and long is everything set up correctly. It handles it from there. You don't worry about it.
2:11 Don't do anything else. It's going to go get the page from the database, figure out the contents, do the import stuff and convert it and just drop the
2:19 final HTML right there in self dot HTML. Now it doesn't magically know how to talk to our database or some other thing.
2:27 We have to give it a little tiny bit of helps. We created this markdown sub template DB storage class.
2:33 It had four abstract method. The most important one was get marked down text. We just go to our service and say, Give me the page. There's no page,
2:40 There's no contents. There's a page right out of the contents. That's it. The super super simple.
2:46 But we did this because we needed toe teach markdown sub template, how to talk to our database and where our data stored.
2:54 So now it knows how to go given a euro or a template path, as it calls it, how to go and actually get the underlying page that corresponds
3:02 to that from the database once we got this done, this is not enough. It doesn't magically just know. Here's a class that drives him right thing.
3:09 So it's gonna work with to do a tiny bit of work and laptop you. I we call on our main method. This in it marked on tablets,
3:15 would just create one of these classes, goes to the markdown storage and says,
3:19 Set the storage to this thing and then it will use that to figure out where the content lives, how to get it both for a regular content,
3:27 shared content and so on. And that's it. Now we've made our mark down back to CMS. Much, much better. Faster. More features composable, reusable,

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