Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Review: Data-driven vs cms pages

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0:00 I appreciate all of the advantages of what we've covered in this course.
0:04 You really need to be able to distinctly differentiate between data driven pages and CMS pages Here's a data driven page.
0:12 It's point back the AWS Seelye and details about it noticed the or Ellis slash project slash aws cli. So we've got this very careful structure.
0:22 We're gonna go and see exactly this stuff about a certain project here, the AWS Eli. But if it's another one, it's gonna look exactly the same.
0:32 Just the values plugged into the little places are different. And here's our help page, which was written with our CMS again.
0:38 It looks kind of the same. We've got the same navigation in general, look and feel for the site. But the stuff in the white section,
0:45 the main content of the site is basically free form. We can put whatever we went there over in the data driven side.
0:52 We have these places were filling out specific bits of data from one or more tables
0:57 in the database. So we're calling something about user up at the top, honestly, and then the package and the releases and so on.
1:06 So we're pulling different things together to build this page out of the database. So here's the name and version.
1:12 Here's how you install it. Here's whether it is the latest version or not. And when that version of the latest version was released,
1:18 here's that summary here. Some links about it. Here's its description, its very structure.
1:23 These are the little holes that we fill out in the page based on what we get back from the database over on the CMS side on the right here.
1:31 The help with Pipi, I we don't have any that we just have. Here's the text, as you know now mark down, actually off the page and just show it.
1:41 However, the real value here is that, you know, we could just create static files that do that.
1:45 That's fine, but the real value is that this is still plugged into our entire
1:50 site. For example, the account admin log in log out features and whatever else has happened in our sight, it's all still here and present,
1:59 and we can take advantage of it, so it's much closer, much more part of our Web application.
2:04 Then, if we employ some third party thing like WordPress with a slightly different domain or something along those lines. Here we have two pages.
2:14 They both evolved. As our site evolves. They get deployed, willing to play new ones. We have the overall look and feel changing in a consistent way,
2:22 and yet it's very, very different how they're created. One has thes structured templates, the data driven ones and the other has free form

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