Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Logging activity
Lecture: Integration with Logbook
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if you go and look the extensive bility section of the marked on sub template just like we created a new database store and said it.
What we want to do is we want to do the same thing over here. So over this log in section, we're going to say logging thought,
set log on and give it a log engine. And for the moment, we don't know what to put here, so we're gonna figure out what's going on.
But it's very much like this one. When a crear class derived from something implements and methods again, the easier way might just be to make a copy.
So let's call this template log engine, and this is gonna be a longer if we get when we wanted to drive from that class. We don't need these.
So again, just like before, can implement the abstract methods and always to do to make this work is come along
and say we're trying to do a verbose message. Where do you want to send it? We're trying to do a trace message. Where do you want to send it?
So we want to send it the logbook. So communions say This is a logbook log, sub templates, something like that. And then this is super easy.
First thing we want to do is check. Is this system remember? You can set his logging levels well. Does it want to allow the message?
And we say that I look using a basement that hearsay. If self don't should log, then we specified a level.
So the log level from there in what level are we trying to send or trying to send a verbose message? It also wants us to send the text.
The reason is that if it knows the message is going to send this empty, it's just going to say no,
actually, don't walk that. But if it should log over both message, What we're gonna do is just say, Log is the logbook and will say,
There's no verbose, but there's a trace, and that's pretty much as close as we can get. And we're gonna pass the text over.
That's it. We just do this a few times over here again. This is trace this level, but traces will be gone. It's was info and logbook hasn't imposed.
We'll just call that one and then we have. Here's and we can just say logbook. Are you Lada has over an error. Here's one. Now, this is great,
but we do need to set that up back over here. So I said we will create one of these. And this where we're going to you.
Once I imported there, you need a passage of log level. So logging dot log level and we're setting it to info now.
Technically, that still works. It does, you know, I said it, but if you're gonna have to pass it here anyway, let's just get rid of this funkiness.
And then off it goes. I could also do this. Walk down. Ah, log engine, too. Log engine, Something like that. All right, Now, if we run this,
let's see what we get that in. Mark down luggage into template logger. That was a notice. That's cool. And if we go, I guess you get over this up.
We go over here and we click on one of the pages that generates something. Notice. Now, the message looks just like our built in one's.
So we have Ah, daytime. We have a level. So this is info or category is the sub templates.
And then here's what's happening over there because this is info. If for some reason in the log in section up here, we only wanna have noticing above.
Now we can go request that out of that page and notice there's no messages because even though the September library would send it,
the underlying logbook longer says you know it or not, are not sharing those messages. That's too much detail for right now.
I'll put it back on the phone. Okay, that's it. This is how we put these two things together.
We can control where the logs go by creating some very simple class like this. Thank you. Itics agree. This is quite quite simple.
There's not a whole lot going on here and then just plugging it in. Now our whole logging framework is together.
We get a little bit more information out of the system, not a requirement. But I think if you're doing this in production,
you probably wanna have some visibility into what's going on in this underlying template engine as