Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Markdown as our format
Lecture: Problem with HTML

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0:00 well, the CMS that we built so far with our pages and redirects. I think it's a big success.
0:06 We've come a long ways we can create these really cool pages. We can create these redirects that allow us to have short little euros to send people
0:14 to either other parts of our site or to external sites. But there's a problem. The problem is with HTML. You might think I want a website.
0:25 Websites are written in HTML, so I have to write HTML for my CMS. Well, no, actually. So here's some HTML and this is the HTML for
0:35 this page here. We wanna have this cool helpage that when we click on the help it says, Here's how you get help with Pipi.
0:43 I do you need help installing Pip? Do you have the right version? Do you have permissions? Here's the instructions on what the each time we had we
0:50 thought would create this page. But what it actually created was, Oh, this. What the heck is this?
0:56 Why are all the words so big after it says have Pippa installed question mark,
1:01 Look carefully. You can see there's something wrong with the closing tag for that age too. So here's the problem with HTML.
1:10 If something goes wrong, even just a little bit, we forgot a less than angle bracket left symbol here,
1:17 character here, just one. The rest of the page is broken, and not just the page that contains the content we wrote.
1:25 No, this is even the additional stuff that the site might generate. Right, for example, the footer and other things.
1:31 The whole site is broken. And while this may be fine for Web developers, if we're kind of right content on the Web and let non developers work on it
1:40 I mean, that's one of the huge benefits of these. CMS is we can give it to marketing people or editors or authors and say
1:46 Here, just go right that page right this landing page or write this marketing content We don't want them to have to get this exactly right.
1:54 And even if you are a skilled Web developer, you probably also don't wanna have to get this exactly right. So do we dio well marked down to the rescue.
2:03 As a developer, you probably have heard of mark down by this point, but just in case you haven't been living in a cave under a rock or something
2:09 It's this format that lets you write in simplified text but then is transformed into HTML and other formats. So here we have on ordered list.
2:22 Do you have pip installed? Is pip the right version? Do you have permission to install it and so on?
2:27 And what's great about this is that we don't have to close the tags or anything like that, kind of for bold and stuff you do.
2:35 But for the most part, things don't go either wrong at all. Or if they do, they go much less wrong. Then otherwise, now, look into this.
2:44 You might think I can't hand this to a marketing person or a business person who's not a developer. That's gonna mess it.
2:50 This looks crazy. Well, is that where we are for now? But as we go through this course as we integrate marked on and we're also gonna
2:57 add a rich editor that supports hot keys of, bold its control or command to be what I was highlighted, that's bold. You want to make it a header.
3:07 There's a hot key for that, and there's also a toolbar at the top. So we're gonna have a really nice editor to create these market on pages and then
3:14 turn them into that page that we really wanted to build at the beginning.

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