Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: The redirects (our
Lecture: Add redirect view methods
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Well, I hope that you really love the redirects that are already built into the site because we can't add any new ones.
But click over here. We just get four or four. Guess you don't have that functionality. You can just use the ones that are hard coded.
Of course, that goes entirely against the whole purpose of the CMS to let us come here and edit the content without changing the source code.
So this is what we're gonna focus on now. We want to work on this girl slash admin slash redirect.
Now, this is this is where the view model idea and the routing and all that. It's a little bit more interesting.
So let's go over here and we're going tohave. There you go. We got this ad redirect, and let's go ahead and change this method name.
And that would be totally reasonable to put add redirect here. But it turns out that add and edit are the same thing,
and add is like a simpler version of edits. So let's just reuse the edit template that we're going to need for go back here
for this button right there. Okay, so we're gonna use an edit instead of an ad.
Now there's one other thing that we've got to focus on here that's gonna get interesting Let's divide this a bit here like this.
And notice views. Plural. Okay, so one of the things that I see some people doing it will come down here
And I will say, if flash not request the method is get we're going to do this else. LF blast not request,
that method is post. We're gonna do something else. No, no, no, please don't do this. This is not the way you want to do it.
One. This makes this method do two things. Not one thing which violates one of the core design principles of writing clean code into
it means every single thing you actually work on is just mawr indented than it should be. What you really want to do is think of how do I show them
the form? How do I process them submitting the form? Those are two different things. So luckily,
we can come over here and use the routing infrastructure very easily with commissioners say the
methods is an array off. Http Methods were willing to accept. Guess What one do we want for here?
Get That's it. And they would have another one like this. That is for Post. Now again, we saw Got to change the name here and here.
So let's change this to underscored get And this one to underscore Post. It doesn't matter. We could call this zebra.
Whatever. It doesn't matter. The thing that users see is described, right Here's slash admin slash add re direct and that's the same here and here.
But the verb the to be verb is different. So this is just for us to understand what's happening.
All right, so this this one needs some work here and some spilling. Lots of spelling, apparently. But this one is pretty close.
What we're gonna do is we're going tohave and it it redirect view model. Why not add? Well, exactly same reason is this right?
The view models job is to exchange the data and do validation and version like strings
integers from the HTML form. Because the former they're saying we should be able to use a common view model as well.
So gonna try that it doesn't work will unwind it. So it's coming out here is gonna be an edit. Redirect D. Amato, Major Active,
you model. And let's just leave it empty for the moment. If we import that, that's a good sign or, more likely to need this one here.
Okay, well, let's go ahead and give this a run and see if we've got it. Sort of working at least that we can quick the Lincoln.
It's going to say this doesn't exist, but I'll see if we get that far. All right? Can we edit it? No, no, we can't because we only wrote the ad.
Let's try adding, there we go. That looks like an error, but to me it feels like success because we got our function to run. It just says,
Well, now your job is to write the HTML, so that's the next up. But we've created this nice separation here for our get
post redirect pattern. So we have our get. Then we do our post with validation, save it to the database, possibly return errors,
and then at the end, instead of doing this bit right here, we're gonna do a redirect with flask.
So that's what's coming. Assuming that there are no errors. Okay, So here's our ad redirect view. You know why? Pyjamas unhappy with this?
But I guess it just write it this way, and then we'll be happy enough. I'd rather not see it upset there.
Okay, Super. So this is the view side of the story. And first little touch on the view method view models as well.