Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: A tour of our demo application
Lecture: Getting the app up and running

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0:00 Now you've seen the app. You've seen the source code. Let's make sure you can get it checked out from source control and get it configured
0:08 in PyCharm or whatever editor you're using and get it running. There's not a lot to it, but let's go through it quickly anyway.
0:14 So here we are at the github repository, And I'm just going to copy just the base.
0:19 You're all here and I'll just throw it onto the desktop for the moment. I'm not a big fan of that in general, but just so you can see it.
0:25 All right. Here, let's just do that. I'm gonna do a get clone this. Now, this is gonna be the folder name in that super long.
0:32 So let's make it shorter. Owns. Call it CMS course or something like that. Great. Here it is. You go to the code section.
0:39 You can see there's a pyramid and flask version in the class course. Surprise. Surprise. We're only gonna be in the flask version.
0:45 But if for some reason when compared against pyramid, go for it. So what we're gonna do is we're actually going to be starting
0:50 on chapter four. We have Chapter three, which is the starter code. And maybe you want to. Actually, you probably want to start from there,
0:58 so we'll go and do it there. But chapter three is gonna be the starter code. Chapter four is gonna take Chapter three,
1:04 hobby it over, and then at all the changes we're gonna do during the videos and four and that will be the final stuff from four chapter,
1:10 if I will be the final from five and so on. So let's go in here and notice there's a sub folder and this one that has
1:17 the requirements dot Txt. So this folder is where we're gonna be working from and we're going to go on open a terminal there,
1:23 have a cool extension that will do that. See right there. And what we want to do is we want to because we're gonna install Aton of things here.
1:30 We want to set up a virtual environments will say Python three, ash, M, V and V, V and V now on windows.
1:38 Remember, you might not have the bite on three command might just refer to it
1:42 without three, and it's gonna create this folder year and on macOS and Linux The way we get this active,
1:48 as we say dot or source and then the envy been activate notice are prompt changes And if we ask which Python we get,
1:57 the one they're on windows. It's VND scripts activate dot bat. Your prompt will change as well.
2:04 You can't type, which being type of wear Python and you'll get basically the first
2:08 one hopefully shown there. If you've done everything correctly now that we have that up
2:13 and ready, we've got our requirements for the server in our requirements.
2:18 Dev What? We're gonna install both the requirements forward server to run as well as we're developing it. As you can imagine,
2:25 you want to say hip, install Bashar. This we wait a second. As is almost always the case when you create a new virtual environment, pip is out of date.
2:35 I feel like that's a shortcoming, a Python. But that's how it is so weird. Upgrade that as well. All right,
2:40 Super. So now we've got our virtual environment and we should be able to run of the app dot p y file. Here. You can also use blast run,
2:48 but that's not my favorite way of doing it, though you can. You start the way you want.
2:53 But I'm going to go in there and run this APP file and we should be able to go and request it and see everything working.
2:59 Let's give it a shot. And there it is again. Here's our cool little app that we're going to start extending,
3:05 so it's up and running. Everything's working. The last thing to do, really, is to go and open this in high charm.
3:11 And on macOS, you can grab the folder and drop it onto the dock icon, you know, open on Windows and Linux.
3:18 You have to say file open directory and browse to it. So here it is again, notice. There's no run configuration, though.
3:25 I'm gonna go with a right click on app and say Run! And just like before you see the same output, we quick on it Once again,
3:31 it's up and running. There it is that we have our app checked out from Get Hub. We've got it somewhere on a computer.
3:36 We've set up a virtual environment, installed the requirements, opened it in my charm. Now we can just work here throughout the rest of the course of.
3:43 Whenever you want to run it, just click the little play button off. It goes perfect. You followed along.
3:49 You're ready to start taking this course and adding the cool Seamus features that we're going

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