Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App Transcripts
Chapter: Course setup and requirements
Lecture: Our code editor
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if you're going to fall along, probably the best thing to do is use exactly the same tools that I'm using during
this course, and I'm gonna be using the editor High Charm. This by far, in my opinion,
is the best editor or Python in general and really specifically for data driven Web app because it has awesome database tools,
really good Web support as well as Python itself support. So I recommend that you're going to use Pine Charm for this course.
The best way to get PyCharm is to get the jetbrains cool box app,
because then it lets you automatically choose between different versions rollback versions.
If you need to, it will auto update for you and things like that. It's the free little extension You might have to create an account,
but then you could just install things. Now. High Charm has two versions, has the Community Edition, which is great for regular Python code.
In the professional version, which is actually what's needed for Web development,
the database tools and the Web tools are only included in the pro version. So your choices here if you already own Hi John Pro good use it.
If you don't, there's a trial you can use The trial of you've already used up your free trial. You can buy pie Charm pro by the month.
It costs $9 for regular users per month, so you could pay $9 once and while you're taking this course,
or if you're a student, you get it half price 04 50 for a month And if you have an open source project, you can get it for free.
Visit the site under buying their special offers and individuals and monthly payments and all that
So the point is, it's either can be gotten for free or very, very cheap, like 4 50 a month of your student and so on.
However, if for some reason you don't want to use by charm, the other editor that I recommend is Visual Studio Code, So Visual Studio Code is really,
really nice. It's just not as nice as PyCharm, in my opinion. But if you do get it, make sure that you install the Python extension.
It's the most popular one, so it should be right at the top of the list of extensions here. But you're gonna want to click that little tab,
and then it will open up this thing. You can install Python because you're gonna have to have Python.
Of course, in order for you to do stuff with it for the Python code All right, so that's the story with editors.
I would recommend use pi charm professional if for some reason you can't or don't want to do that Visual Studio Code is a great fall back.