#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 97-100: Docker and Docker Compose
Lecture: Running a Docker container
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Let's try to run a container. Notice up here we have our docker app running, so we should be able to run docker and have some commands happen.
Great, so the first thing we can do is we can try to run an image, let's just try to run that docker image
so we'll say docker run ubuntu, could just say it like that or we could say latest, or we could even say :18.04 let's just go with this.
Now, before I run that, let's do a docker images and it's going to list all the images on my system. They're none, right, empty.
So, let's go back over here and try this again. What's going to have to happen is this is going to have to download, at least the Ubuntu image
maybe the Ubuntu image is based on other things and we might have to download like a whole series of dependent images here.
We're going to run it, turns out the outcome of it is going to be a little bit underwhelming but it's going to be the first step.
Didn't find it, so it's going to go and download it. Some kind of weird network glitch. Okay, so we downloaded a newer image for Ubuntu.
And then, I guess we ran it, like let's try to clear the screen, we'll say docker run, it's local so it just ran, so how long will that take.
It didn't take very long, started the whole thing up basically what that's saying is just starting up the system and then waiting for, well nothing
and then it exits. So, we can do a little bit better, we can do things like go in here and say I want to run it in interactive mode
and interact with it, and the thing I want to run is bash instead of just the main shell. So now here I can say ls, I can say ls hostname
all the things that happen in Ubuntu you can see the host name here, is this container name. And I could even ask for all the running processes.
How exciting, the only thing running on this process is bash and ps, which was running temporarily to figure out what was running, which was only bash.
So there's really nothing else running here it's a super super simple version of Linux. It didn't have a bunch of services and demons and suffering
it's just this. Whatever you ask to run here, well that's what's running. Later on, we're going to run Nginx, and we're going to run
our web server, and things like that. But for now, we're just running on bash. Finally if we say docker images, you can see over here
that we downloaded this, which created 25 hours ago so it's pretty new, but the timing is still off with those
vulnerabilities I showed you, so we're going to have to fix it but it's mostly a brand new one. Now, we could also ask docker ps to ask what images are
running, and if we say -a, it'll show you the ones that ran, so you ran it like a couple of times when we were messing with it.
And when they run, they each get a container id and you can work with them, and they also get a funky name like trust in nightingale, or vigilant noble
things like that so you can refer to them either by their name, or by their container when you work with them with the commands.
So that's how we run a docker container.