#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 93-96: Vue.js - JavaScript user interfaces
Lecture: Setting attributes with Vue.js
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I want to round this whole app out by just one more thing with these genres. So we saw that we can click here
and that works really well and I can click even here and see it's history but I'd like to know that if I'm down here
the reason this is in the list is because history was the thing I actually selected. I'm in genre, not just happened to be something
in a search result or something like that. So what we can do is I can come over here and already have a CSS style for that.
So we could come down here and say "You know what, this is going to be danger." Right, that's bootstrap. And that makes them red.
And if it's not red, it makes them blue. But what I want to do is I want to toggle between this info one and the danger one
based on whether or not the selected genre is this. And it turns out to be super easy to do. So we already have a class setting up here.
And let's take this out. I'm going to put it down here. So what I can do is say, :class : to set an attribute.
So I could set like the H or F for other types of things. And what I want to do is I can put a list of classes I want to be applied
and those can be evaluated in JavaScript. So I'll say G triple equals selected genre. There it was, like that. If that's true, I'll do a if thing here.
If it's true it's selected it's going to be something other than that. It's going to be danger. And if it's not selected it's going to be info.
And will not replace but will append onto what we have here. Ready? Let's go see. If I go click on action, oh sweet.
Thriller, there's all the thrillers. There's drama, crime. Let's go find something that's different. How about sci-fi? Bam, sci-fi.
And if I search for something, if I just get the top 10 or if I search for cats, boom nothing selected. How cool is that?
This app is built 100% with no backend other than external APIs, right? This movie service that we're reaching out to
but it's not really part of this app and it's running just HTML off my file system, right? We could de-bug it over here in WebStorm
and get a little more help but beautiful, beautiful fully client side JavaScript app. And look at how much HTML is here, right?
With all the design and all that stuff, not so much. I mean, 67 lines, similarly here 60-so some lines of JavaScript as well.
And the whole app is basically these two plus external dependencies and styles.