#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 93-96: Vue.js - JavaScript user interfaces
Lecture: First, with fake data
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So this is pretty fake, right? We saw that we have our service over here and we can get some movies. In fact, if we go over here let's just say
we would like the top 10 movies rated by IMDb score. There they are. And if we actually look at the raw data there they are.
So this is actually what were going to call when implement the HTTP layer. But for now, let's just take some of this data copy all of it
and we're going to drop this into our site. So we can work with it without worrying about HTTP yet. There's a whole nother layer of complexity
calling these services, and so on. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over here and I'm going to create a fake data thing.
We're going to go back and delete this potentially. And we're going to define movies temp or fake or somethin' like that. Just paste.
Now I could go and grab just this array but what I want to do is get exactly what comes back from the service and then work with that.
So I think that'll be a little bit better. So we're going to take this. And we're going to say when movies start up we're going to put movies temp.
Now in order for this to work, of course our site is going to have to include in the right order our fake data there.
Let's just try this again and see what happens. Something bad happened. It's because what we tried to do
is over here we called upper case on an object. If we take this away we'll get something that is not that interesting, right.
There's like the guts of each movie sort of. So what we want to do actually is come over here. And we're going to say the movies are actually the hits.
Let's try this again. There we go a little bit better. We the chase on of each movie. And then, you know, what we would like to do
is come down here and say we're going to get the title. And then we want to toLocaleUpperCase that. Boom, look at that. So quick and easy.
Towering Inferno, Shawshank Redemption Godfather, and so on. So now we've got this fake data in here and it's comin' out lookin' pretty good, right.
Obviously it's very live and it's not super interesting. But, not bad.