#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 85-88: Serverless Python with AWS Lambda
Lecture: First Lambda: a simple calculator (using operator)
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Now it's time to get to the core of this lesson and that's to define a Lambda function. I'm logged into AWS Web Services
and I'm at the management console. I already have some Lambdas here. To create a new one, use the create function button. There are several options
but I usually author them from scratch. You have to give your Lambda a name so let's call it Calculator, because as I mentioned in the previous video
we're going to go with the simple one first because the fact check will require external dependencies so that will be a more advanced use case
which I'm eager to teach you as well. For the run time, recently they upgraded to 3.7 so that's the preferred Python I would use
and I already set up a role previously but if this is the first time you visit AWS Lambda you can create a new role from one or more templates.
You can call it then anything you want. For example, Lambda role and for policy you can use simple microservice permissions.
And that's it. Then we click on Create Function and we get into this new screen and AWS gives us some default code. And it's pretty simple.
A Lambda function is just a function that receives an event and a context if not really used context, but event is where you get your payload from
and you do your implementation, calculations whatever you want to do, and you return a dict like object with status code and body.
And we've seen in the Bottle app that I was parsing out those two elements. Now to do a simple calculator, I define one.
So we import operator, we define a couple of calculations: adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Here's your Lambda handler as well as provided with the default code. We get the code attribute from the event object that's passed in.
Remember from our Bottle app, when we made the post request? Here's the other side of that equation. So the Lambda receives the event
and here we extract that code attribute from that dictionary. So here the Lambda receives the data that's passed in
we set a default status code of OK 200 and then we try to do some calculations. So the code passed in will be something like two plus two.
We try to split that into the first number the sign, and the second number then we get the actual operator from the dictionary.
So we look up the sign, plus, minus, etc. and we get back this function which we then call with the first and the second number.
So this basically, if I give it two plus two it's almost like an eval of two plus two. And basically that's the math. And then, start a return value
but if that data was provided so we get a key error or a value error sample. If we provide a, b, c, then this split, of course
will complain that there are not enough elements to put into these three variables. I can also have a zero division error, if I pass it
for example, one divided by zero. So those are tested exceptions and I catch 'em all on this line and if there's an exception, I just return
the exception string to get our status code 400. Then I return a dict of status code with whatever came out which could be OK or not OK, and the body
which is the return value, which could be the result of the calculation or the exception string. And that's it, really. I mean, there are more options.
You can tweak them but usually the defaults are just what you want. A memory consumption of 128 meg and a time out of three seconds.
If your calculations are more intensive for example, in code challenges we recently supported PEMDAS, and we had to bump up
this time out to 20 or even 30 seconds because that library just takes more time to run. So we can tweak that here under Basic Settings.
For example, this should suffice. So we click Save and next video we'll see how we can define test events
so we can test our Lambda from this GUI interface.