#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 85-88: Serverless Python with AWS Lambda
Lecture: Build a simple Bottle web app
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An introduction to Bottle. Bottle is really a micro-framework it's very similar to Flask. And here you see how the work looks I'm pulling.
It only takes five lines of code. And it looks very similar to Flask. So we're going to see this in action. I learned Bottle myself when I was
writing this article on Real Python. If you want some additional reading it might be interesting to read through it
there I built this simple web app with a database backend using Bottle. So that starts building our PEP 8 checker frontend. And then to make an app.py.
And I already wrote up some boiler plate code to focus on the Bottle pieces. I import the modules we're going to use.
So we have Bottle, we have all the functions we're going to use requests to make a post request to AWS. I retrieve the API URL from the environment
variable we set in the last video, I define the title, and here's the meat of the web app which we're going to write next.
First you're going to set up a route, which is basically the end point at where we enter our app. And we just need one, which will be
the root of the web server. And we're going to give it methods. Get. And Post. And this basically means that at the root URL
we can read data but we can also post data by the form we're going to build. Then we're going to load in a template called index.
And actually let's create a template right now. Bottle has out of the box support for templating if you make a sub-directory called views.
There we're going to make a template called index.tpl as per Bottle convention. And I'm just going to paste in the template we have.
So we have basic HTML. And then to load in some MUI CSS to make it look nice. You're going to balance the title
and we will see in a bit how we pass in variables from our view into the template. I got some CSS. And I got a form where you can enter your code
and a button to submit it. And the field's name is code, and that's relevant when we retrieve the data from this field.
Then I have another section that will look if there's code passed into the template. And if so, it looks if it has PEP errors
and it will show a red bar and the errors. Or it shows a primary which is a blue bar and a message that everything is OK. So that's the template.
Going back to the app, the way to load in a template in Bottle is to use the add view decorator. And defining the name of the template.
And index matches the name we gave this file. And the second thing we need to do is upon submitting the form we need to retrieve the value.
And as we named the text area code with the name attribute we can get that data like this. Forms. Get. Code. And if that's not retrieving anything
let's set that as a default of empty. Because as we saw in the template there's logic in there to show one thing or the other based on
code being populated. Then we're going to keep a return list called pep_errors like this. And then I'm going to do a post request
to the AWS Gateway API we have yet to define. But that's only going to happen if there's valid code. So if code is true, so there's was something
submitted in a form. I'm going to define a payload dictionary of key code and value code. And then I'm going to use the requests library
which we probably all know, it's very well known and it's awesome, one of our favorite packages. And to post to the API URL, again we're going to
populate that in the environment variable once we get to the section of setting up our AWS Gateway API. And to pass in the payload we just defined.
So this posts to the API and as we discussed in a previous video, the Lambda will return a dictionary of status code and body.
So we can easily retrieve the response in the same line, calling the JSON method on this response object. Then we pull out the status code in the body
and we'll see that later in the Lambda where we actually return those values. So this will only work after we set up our Lambda
and all that but we have to write this code at some point. And if the status is not OK or 200 we're going to call abort bouncing the status
and giving an error message of Lambda function returned status and then the number. Then we bail out. Lastly, we need to return a dictionary
to the template. And as we've seen the template takes a couple of variables. So we have the title. The code, that's basically just bouncing
it back into the form. And the pep_errors result list. So Title. Code. pep_errors.
Now Title is defined at the top it's just a constant. Code is defined here. Or it's the submitted code or it's empty, but we always
provide something back to template. PEPerrors, as we will see when we implement the Lambda is a list of lines. So I will join that on new line.
And this will make more sense when we get to the Lambda section. This is quite long. And this is our complete web app. Just one route.
Retrieve the form values. Call the Lambda. Check the status. Retrieve the response body. And pass it into the template.
Lastly, we need to have the web app running. So we're going to call the run function. And we run it on local host port 8080 debug=True
I want my depth environment to be as verbose as possible. Of course in production you would turn it off. And reloader=true
So I can just run this app in a separate terminal and when I make changes it will reload automatically. I'm going to run the server.
I have to first activate my virtual environment. And then I can just Python run the app. And if I now navigate to localhost:8080 I have a working app.
Look at that. Looks pretty cool. Let's actually scale it down a little bit. But have our form. We have our submit button. And some nice styling.
And we have debug turned on which is nice because any errors in development is shown here. And of course this doesn't work because
we're making a post request to an empty API URL. But we will fix that later. And see that in action. And that concludes the creation
of the Bottle web app. I've not gone into too much detail because the focus was on AWS Lambda and in the next video we are going
to build our first Lambda on AWS.