#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 65-68: Heroku and Python Platform-as-a-Service
Lecture: Setting up the local app and Heroku environment
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Hopefully you have installed Heroku CLI successfully. Once you've done that we can get cracking on the application.
The first thing you need to do is actually log into Heroku and that's using the account details you set up in the earlier video.
If you are to do that through Commander which is the app I'm using here you actually won't see the prompt. So, just to demo quickly
if you do Heroku login from the command line you should see a prompt like this. Enter your Heroku credentials.
So the first thing it asks you is your email and then your password. On Commander here I actually don't see that. So Heroku, login
and I simply just get a blank prompt there. It doesn't actually show the word email. Obviously I had to show you that for demonstration purposes.
What I'd like you to do is login. I'll do that quickly and I've now logged in. On your side if you're not using Commander
you should see a message that says logged-in as, and then your email address. All right the next thing we need to do
is we actually need to choose a directory to, I guess, have our app in. We need to get some code ready and then push it off
to the Heroku servers to run in the Cloud. Now I've created a quick directory here in my 100DaysOfWeb folder
and in here is a very very basic Flask app. I will quickly show you. You are welcome to just copy this off the GitHub Repo
app.py is a single file Flask app. This is different to everything we've covered before where we were using the larger scalable method.
This is again just for demonstrative purposes. We have Flask imported there. We have the app being defined.
We have an index route created and we just run it. Okay, and that's it. We then have a templates folder with an index.html file
and simply in there we have a title and h1 header that says my test Heroku index page. That's all we want. I'm not getting complicated
because we want to keep this simple. We're focusing on the actual deployment The virtual environment is here. I have not installed anything yet.
The only dependency we need for this script to run locally is Flask. So we will install that and as I alluded to, that is to run locally.
So lets clear that out. If we want to run this on the Heroku servers we actually need a little more. What we need to install is a Python Web Server
that is designed for UNIX based operating systems and this is what Heroku runs on their end. So for Flask to run we need to install the web server
and the web server that we're going to install is called Gunicorn. Okay? So we'll go pip install gunicorn. and now that that's installed
we simply just need to pipe everything into our requirements.txt file, like we normally do. What Heroku does is
it will consult that requirements.txt file and on the server end will then install all of the dependencies that you need to run your application.
So we'll do pip that's not it pip freeze into requirements.txt. And if we kept that file we have everything required for Flask and we have Gunicorn.
Now, we are ready to start pushing some code. So to do that we need to actually initialize our directory as a Git repository
and we can simply do that by just doing Git init. So let's deactivate our virtual environment and store a Git init in this folder.
and now that that's initialized we can do an ls -al. You see we have a .git file there so this is all ready to go. And this will make sure
that this folder itself is recognized as its own repository. And with our directory initialized as it Git Repo we are now free to create our Heroku app
which we will do in the next video.