#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 53-56: Django part 2 - registration and login
Lecture: Update the Quote model to associate quotes with users
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Great, now that we have login in place we can start working on adding the user to the quotes model so that we have quotes associated with the user
and then we can set up that only the user that is logged in can edit his or her own quotes. So let's cd into my quotes app.
Open models and import the User model which is provided by Django out of the box. Add this django.contrib.auth.models.
And then I need to make a ForeignKey relation to that user model and the way to do that is to say models.ForeignKey
specify the model that we link to, so user. And on delete we can do two things so if the user gets deleted do we want to cascade the deletes
so when the user gets deleted, delete all the quotes or do we want to put a no value into the quotes. On this case I'm going to choose the former
and that's specified as models cascade and I'm going to allow default of blank is true and no is true 'cause I already used some quotes in the database
which are not having the user associated. This makes it easier to have a migration without asking us questions or asking us for defaults.
Again the models cascade is to make sure that if the user gets deleted all the linked quotes get deleted as well. Then I'm updating the str method
to also put information in here who submitted the quote. And that's it. Now we need to make a migration because our model changed.
So I'm going to the outer terminal window and I'm going to type Python manage.py makemigrations And that made this migration.
And we see here that the field was added to the quote model. And it's a ForeignKey. Then we can migrate to actually commit it to the database.
And that relation now exists. Can even check that. And here under quote's quote we have a new field
user id of integer. Let's run the server. And nothing will happen yet. Other than that, this is still working and in the next video
we're going to update the views and templates to accommodate this change. Users will be associated with quotes and we'll make sure that users
can only edit their own quotes.