#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 53-56: Django part 2 - registration and login
Lecture: Django SMTP configuration and testing out email
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Here I'm at the Django's email documentation and Python overall makes it relatively easy to send email, thanks to the SMTP module.
And I'm going to the SMTP backend section we see that it's actually the default backend and it turns out that defining these constants
in settings.py is basically all we need to get SendGrid running. My first attempt was Gmail, but I ran into
some security issues that Gmail was not very easy about sending automated emails. Way easier with SendGrid, so I'm using that now
for all my Django apps. So we want to go to our app and go to settings.py. But actually first, I want to deactivate
my virtual environment and set my user and password in environments and variables because they should never be checked into version control.
So I'm going to the end and I'm going to export SendGrid username. And that's the username I used when I signed up in the previous video.
And I'm going to set a SendGrid password. Uppercase. That's, of course, a fake password. So if you follow along export those to environment variables
to feature our own username and password. Then I'm going to use my script which is a sort of deactivate script; I'm using that so often I made an ads.
And now my environment variables should be active in my virtual environment. I go back to settings.py so again, that's under mysite/settings.py
all the Django configuration is there. I go towards the end. I'm now going to set up the configuration variables which we saw in the documentation
we don't need all of those. We're going to use five of them and then the email configuration will be available
when Django is launched and the registration plugin will use that to send emails. So first of all, we need an EMAIL_HOST
which is SMTPsendgrid.net. We need an EMAIL_PORT which is 587. We need to use TLS.
Not going too much into email and protocols but we need TLS. And then I need my EMAIL_HOST_USER. And that's in your virtual environment.
And as we've seen before with the secret key and debug those variables can be retrieved at os.10 environ. I'm not going to use the get method
I really want the program to exit when this key is not available because it's a requirement. And lastly, we want an EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD.
And that's the sendgrid underscore password redefined. Just to show how it would look if such an environment variable was not there I can make a typo
Django and it complains, so that's good. Of course, that was a deliberate mistake. So this is all there is to it an email hos, port and tls protocol
and the user and password I defined when making my SendGrid account. Let's test it out. So that worked. And now let's sign up to my app.
Wow, nice, it didn't crash. You've now registered, activation email is sent. So let's retrieve that email, which should have come
with an activation link. And my PyBites blog user account was linked to our tml
so I'm going to retrieve it there.
And here I've got an email with an activation link; perfect. So I can copy that over. Thanks for signing up, your account is now activated.
Enjoy. Great. That's actually my template text. I have yet to define a login link that's in the next video
so I'm just going to hit the login path manually now. And here's the redirect we defined earlier
but I made a mistake there, so let's fix that. And I actually forgot to name space this so I cannot just say quote list because in quotes in the app
in the URLs.py, I set an app name and this effectively is a name space so if I reference these views quote_list quote_detail, etc.
I have to prepend them with the quotes name space to avoid any conflict. So in another app, I would have another quote_list
for some reason, it's not likely then I make sure that this one is bound to this app. So let's quickly fix that. Try this again.
Awesome, now it works and I got logged in. Of course we should be able to log in and log out from the header and that's what the next video is about
to add that here, to the navigation bar.