#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 53-56: Django part 2 - registration and login
Lecture: Setting up urls.py for the two-step activation workflow
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As I said in the introduction we're going to implement the two-step activation workflow which is more secure
because it sends an activation link to the user to their email which they have to click first before the account becomes active.
It's pretty easy to set up. We basically have to add those two URL patterns and not much more, the only thing where it got
complicated for me was the templating. And, I'm going to show you that in the next video. So, what you now want to do is head over
to general registration documentation under the two-step activation workflow and I'm just going to copy those two URL patterns.
And, I'm going to test it in my main mysite URLs.py file. So, back at the app. The main app again is mysite and I have URLs.py.
We have the root folder linking to the URLs with the quotes app. We have my backend which I renamed from the default app
into my-backend to make it a bit more hidden and secure. So here I'm going to add those URLs. I think URL is still the old format
so I'm going to rename URL to "path". And, I don't think we need the leading card. So, this should work, let's quickly verify that.
That's fine. And now let's go to account/login, sorry, it's accounts.
And, I don't have a template and it's expecting registration-login. Let's try, register, and here it got
confusing for me because this template is expected to be under django_registration. So, the classic login, logout which comes
with django's authentication system expects a template character name of registration. And, the part of registration signing up
which is part of the django registration plugin. It's not using the registration directory anymore they renamed that to django_registration.
And I got a lot of struggle with this to get all those "template does not exist" errors working
that's why I have all the templates prepared in a zipfile. And, in the next video, I will show you how to get it all in the right place.
And, really save some time and struggle.