#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Day 49: Selenium
Lecture: Virtual environment, dependencies, pytest starter code (fixtures)
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First we need to get set up. We're going to create a virtual environment activate it, pip install the dependencies and then we're going to use pytest
in combination with Selenium. We need to have the chrome driver in our path and we can download it from the link shown on the screen.
Heading over my terminal, I made a new folder and we're going to run penv, which is an alias for Python3 -m venv venv.
So venv is the module and venv is the name of my virtual environment and I activate it. Fresh new virtual environment, nothing installed.
So pip install pytest and selenium. Alright and thirdly let's download the driver. First of all, my path is currently set to this.
Which includes my bin folder so I'm going to put the driver there. So I'm going to the chrome driver downloads page and then click on the latest.
And I'm going to get the mac version.
Alright, that's done and the last thing I forgot to mention on the slide is if you actually want to follow along on the code, you can head over to
my reading list and create an account, here's the direct link or you just go to login register. Then you get a username and password which you can
set in your virtual environment because part of the test will log in the user and log out etcetera. So I'm going to do that now for my existing user.
Go back to my project folder, into my activation script, go to the end and I set those two variables in my environment.
Of course, I will set this to the real user and password and click save. I have to deactivate and reactivate, so I use ae
because I'm doing this a lot but you can also type source venv/bin/activate and now we should have those variables available in the shell.
Lastly I made some starter code because there's some pytest in there that should not be the focus of this lesson.
So let me create a test_pbreadinglist.py and copy in the starter code. Before explaining let me quickly run this to see if that works.
Alright, I'm going to break that because the one passing test is good enough for now. Quickly, so I do my imports of the standard
library modules, I import pytest and I import some functionality that we'll need from selenium. Then I load in the username and the password
from my virtual environment we just set. I set some constants for the homepage, two book pages and a link title my books.
And then I write a bunch of fixtures. Again it's not a pytest lesson so I linked an article here where I explain how fixtures work
what they are and how to set them up. So just quickly a fixture, you usually need some set up and tear down code.
So a code you run before and after a test. So in this case, the repeated code before each test is getting an instance of the web driver
and going to the home page. I also need some tear down code to quit the driver. Which means that we've all closed the browser which selenium opens.
The neat way of pytest, or doing this is to build a driver, so this will run before the test this will help us into the test code and then
we come back to this final tear down code after the test. So again, closing the browser. So I made a fixture to go to the homepage.
I made a fixture to go to the first book page which we defined in this constant above and I also
made a fixture to login a user, because that's code that I needed for various tests so to keep it DRY or don't repeat yourself, I abstracted that code
in this fixture, so we only need to write it once so we can use it for various tests. Then, the way to use the fixtures is just to
pass them into the test functions as an argument. So here, I'm using driver_home, and further down I use driver_first_book and driver_login.
Then, as we will see when we write it test, we can access that fixture. So all the set up and tear down code has been
provided to really focus this lesson on the selenium and over the coming five videos, we're going to implement those ten test functions, one-by-one.
Teaching you how to write selenium code.