#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 45-48: Build a simple Django app
Lecture: Template settings and create a child template
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Next we can finally create the quotes list templates. So I'm going back into my quotes app and in my view I defined quotes/quote_list.html.
Now first going back to settings I just want to make sure we're clear on the templates. So we just defined our base template in
mysite/templates and Django finds that because I added it to DIRS. The other dir setting is APP_DIRS=True.
And that makes that templates dir that are in our apps so in this case quotes, will be found dynamically. And Django's convention is, in an app
so in this case quotes, to make a templates dir. And inside the templates dir I make another directory with the name of the app, in this case quotes.
It's a bit redundant, but it's how Django works it's how it auto detects templates. So now I can make a template inside templates quotes
we're going to call it quote_list.html. And here I paste in our HTML. I touch upon humanize in a bit. The most important thing here
is we're going to extend the base.html. And this is where it all ties together with the pathing defined in the settings
Django knows where to find base.html. And what this does is, it loads in all the HTML and where we have this content log defined
I open that up here and then add my customized HTML content for that log and then close it. So it's like displaying this whole template
and where I see content here, it inserts this HTML which is specific to our quote_list template. So that's pretty cool. So quote_list inherits
from base.html and has its own content. And around this we get all the generic stuff we want to have for all the pages.
So we make a table, we use MUI classes to style it nicely. We have a table header. And here we see the quotes data we got passed in.
So again, in the view, we call render with the template. And the dictionary see as the third argument is the quotes data we loaded from the URL.
And here we look through that query set I was going to say list, but it's actually a query set. And for each quote in that query set
we can access the attribute, so author, added, quote id. And here make a link to go into the quote which will be another function in the view.
So we have the quotes namespace and the quote_detail which we will write next in the view. So here you can see that it's coming together.
We have the quote, author added and we have two buttons to edit quote and to delete the quote. And those again lead to quote_edit and quote_delete
which are views in our quotes namespace. And we will write those, in a later video. And finally, outside of the table, we have a link
or button to add a new quote. And that's linked to URL quotes namespace quote new. And that's of course then this view
which we will write, in the next video. Again, any logic is in curly braces percentage and balancing variables is in double curly braces.
And that's it, that's a quote_list template. Ah, lastly, I use humanize to instead of printing a date time, make it like
human readable. So make it like the social media websites where you see like posted three minutes ago posted one hour and 37 minutes ago.
Posted three days ago. Posted just now etcetera. And I can use a filter, and I use a filter in Django by balancing the variable name
pipe, and then I use the time since filter. And that converts the date time into a more readable timestamp. And humanize is what enables that.
The other thing that I need to do though is go back to mysite settings. And enable it in installed apps. Which is not so, by default.
So I have to edit here, just as other building blocks of Django. And to add humanize so we can use it in our template.
And then I can dynamically load it here and then I can use it. All right? Save that. Let's try this out.
Look at that! Cool right? We got nice designs, we got the base template here. Inside we have the quotes template we have the quotes showing up
with links to their detail pages. Which is not working yet because we have to define that view next. We have an add new button
that's not working because we have not defined a view yet. But it links properly. We have the added also links properly. And delete again
we also need to write a corresponding view. And we have humanize going on so we have four days and eight hours ago.
That this quote was added, that's much nicer than just showing a raw date time object. So pretty cool, right? Ah, and the favicon is displayed here.
And the fact that it's looking nice, also means that the CSS was found. So here those files are working. Those are properly linked. This is my CSS.
Excellent. So next we're going to write the views to look at an individual quote and to add a new one.