#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 45-48: Build a simple Django app
Lecture: Create a Django model and migrate it to the DB
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When working with a database in Django we use Django's ORM. It's a way to abstract the SQL away from us
so that we can write Python to work with a database. Here I define a Quote class or model which inherits from models.Model
in a specified couple of fields which will end up being the database columns. There are various types so TextField, CharField, URLField
DateTimeField, and these will translate in various properties of the columns. So, the TextField will be variable length.
CharField in this case will have a max length of 100. URLField will give us validation out of the box to only enter valid URLs.
And DateTimeFields, convert the data into proper DateTime objects. The way in Django to make a field optional is to use null=True
so the source and the cover fields are optional. blank=True are used to also make it optional when used in a form.
The difference between added and edited is that added I want to add the DateTime up on adding the record. And, I'm using auto_now_add for that.
Edited though, I want to be updated every time a change is made to a record. And to do that is to use auto_now. So, auto_now updates with the DateTime
every time a record is edited. Added does that only the first time. By looking at quotes in the app and backend later
or in the Django shell, there's not that much information displayed by default. You just would see Object.
And to have the object show more meaningful information I defined __str__ and gave it self quote and self author
and lastly the metaclass is just a way to define more properties of the model and in this case I just define the ordering attribute
to sort the quotes by when they were added. So the most recent quote will appear at the top. Back at the app, in the quotes there's a models.py file
and I'm going to add the code here. The next step is to make a migration file before Django can sync anything to the database
it needs to make a conversion from Python to SQL. So I'm going to use manage.py with the flag makemigrations you see the file that Django created
this is something you want to include in your version control because this that you can replay the various modifications to the database.
So here you see the intermediate code that Django created and when we now type migrate Django is going to use this to create the table in the database.
So apply the migration file and now I can open a database.
And I'm using DB Browser for SQLite. Again the database file is in the root directory of the project. I can drag it over.
So here we see what Django created. The table name is always the app name underscore model name lowercased. You have a primary key of id
we didn't have to specify it. Django does that for us. We have the TextField we have the author CharField we limited to 100
sort and cover which are URLFields and Django limits URLFields to 200 characters and we have the added and edited as DateTimes.
Next I'm going to use the Django shell to add, edit, and delete objects with Django's ORM.